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Waverly's POV
I can't believe I get to work with Nicole. Of course she still is a sheriff's deputy but we can now pull her for cases. Nedley didn't like that BBD could Commandeer his best deputy but after Nicole saying that she could work with BBD and still be his best deputy Nedley agreed.

The whole team is currently sitting in the office waiting around for something to do, the revenants have been less Active lately. Dolls is at his desks looking over papers for something, Wynonna and Doc are sitting together whispering, being a wolf I can hear them, I'm trying to give them their privacy by turning and talking to Nicole.

"Is this what you guys do on an everyday basis?" Nicole asks with a chuckle.

"Well no, not really it's just the revenants seem to be hiding at the moment. Don't worry though you are bound to see some action" feeling bored so I pick up a book and start reading.

"How are you reading that? It looks like gibberish"

"It's in latin"

"You know latin!?" shock and surprise on her face and in her voice.

"I speak four languages latin being one of them"

"WOW! You Waverly Earp are just full of surprises" she says as she leans down for a kiss but before we can connect the office doors open and in walks Nedley.

"Officer Haught if you're just going to sit there doing nothing then you could come to the police side of things" he says as he lays down a file.

"Of course sir, sorry sir"

"Nedley if that's the only thing you came in here to say then you can as easily leave" Dolls says as he stands from his desk.

"No, no I've got a case for you, people claiming to hear voices"

"That does not sound very supernatural. Why can't you handle this one?" Dolls questions as he picks up the file but after reading it he quickly retracts his statement.

"Voices of their dead loved ones, one witness claims to have heard the voice of her fifth grade best friend, followed it and found her mother dead with her throat cut" Dolls passes the file to Wynonna who looks it over while Dolls continues to talk to Nedley.

"Nedley if that's all you know where the door is"

"Well yeah that's it, I'll leave you too it" and with that Nedley walks out the door and we all turn towards Dolls for the rundown.

"Waverly I need you to stay and find out if any of the revenants can mimic other people's voices, Doc you'll stay to, Wynonna and Nicole the three of us will go out and look for the revenant that way, lets go" Dolls gets up and leaves the two mated couples on the other hand takes a little long to separate.

Once everyone said their goodbyes, kisses were delivered the two couples divided to do their given jobs. The two were left to their own devices, Waverly reading up on the revenants and Doc just laying back in one of the chairs with his hat over his eyes.

Time slowly tick by as I looked for anything on the revenant we were hunting. The team was at the spot of the last victim to see if they could find any clues as to where to find the revenant, an hour passed and I hit the jackpot.

"Doc, I think I found something, could you get a hold of the team please?" Doc gets up and grabs my phone because he's too old fashioned to have his own phone.

"Miss Waverly they aren't picking up"

"Try again, we have to tell them that their looking in the wrong place, this revenant's name is Calabar, Wyatt put him down for killing forty two people, Calabar would taunt his victims, make them scared, delusional, spread the torture out for days before finally going in for the kill. Now that he has the Ability to mimic other people's voices who knows the kind of damage he could do" I say as Doc tries again to call the team but shakes his head as it goes straight to voicemail.

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