Chapter 3

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"Ready?" Michael asked, a little too excited. I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded.

Ashton came up, grabbing my hand and leading me to my finished room. It was cute, I have to admit, but I just wasn't happy. With a smile and a thank you, they said their good nights and left me to sleep in my room.

I didn't sleep though.

I stared up at the ceiling with tears in my eyes and a shaky bottom lip. I wanted my mum.

I'd never slept out, never mind moved out.

Around this time, 11 pm, my mother would be apologizing to me for yelling at me minutes before. She'd come into my room with her head lowered and a sad look in her eyes that made me think I did something wrong. My bed would dip down because she was now sitting on it and she'd hug me, kissing my forehead while she sighed softly and told me she was sorry. Of I asked why, or said even the slightest of anything that she didn't want to here, she'd tell at me and storm out of my room leaving me to cry and feel like I screwed everything up.

I hated feeling like that, I usually knew I didn't do anything, that's just how mum is, but it still made me feel that way.

It's become such a ritual of me feeling horrible for nothing, that that's just how I feel all the time now. If there was just a reason for it things would be so, so much better.

I knew I should close my eyes and sleep since school was only a few hours away, but I simply couldn't!

When 7 am came around is slept four hours and Michael came up to wake me. I cringed at the light shining through the window, but still managed to get up, shower, and change.

It wasn't normal for me to have breakfast waiting for me, or someone taking me to school. I was so used to doing things on my own.

"Have a great day," Ashton smiled, patting my knee before I silently hopped out of his car.

I hated school.

I mopped into the building, my feet squeaking every once in a while since I didn't feel like lifting them off the floor. I bit my lip, going over to my locker and putting my things in before going to math.

Private schools are always more difficult then other schools and since I'm in a younger grade we only switch classes halfway through the day.

Math didn't last long for me, because halfway through it I asked to go to the bathroom and planned on not coming back. I grabbed what I needed from my locker, leaving my large backpack behind.

I quickly made my way out of a hidden door in the back of the school that no one ever used. The school was to old for camera's, so I knew I had to just run fast...and that's what I did.

Luckily for me, my house was much closer than my brother's.

I ran up the front steps as soon as I got there, my hand grabbing the knob and twisting it.

"Mumma?" I called softly, stepping into the house.

"You're not supposed to be here," She said, slouching on the couch with a cigarette held in her aged hands, "And your supposed to be at school."

I nodded, "I know, mam, but I-I miss you."

Her voice cracked as she spoke, I knew when she did that she was lying to protect me from herself...but all I want is my mum. "I-I don't miss you. Go home."

"This is home!" I argued back, pointing at her accusingly.

"I'll call the cops if you don't leave." She warned and I knew she would. Tears ran down my face, I stared at her a minute longer before running out the door.

I cried and cried for hours on end until I decided it was time to sneak back in the school, grab my things, and act like I'd been there the whole time...

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