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you and the blond would spend several days burdened by the questions left unanswered. wondering how you both allowed yourself something so terrible to be presented in front of the other as if disregarding the amount of years spent covering it. nights left staring at the ceiling as if it would provide the reason why, deep in thought when walking the halls and eating your food. what was it about them and why was it so hard to figure it out?

another night of games, with the both of you exhausted on the bench and skin smeared with grime and blood. you would feel the anxiety of failing to portray your thoughts and his departure, while the male still felt numb to the chaos surrounding him.

you sighed, hands shaky as you began playing whatever came to mind. a tune you couldn't hear and yet did your best to play despite it. it felt difficult, pushing past the worries when they were still fresh and in the front of your mind. but you tried, for the sake of his sanity and yours.

the song progressed, and strangely enough each note was easier to play than the previous. your fingers danced across the keys, body swaying to the music and aware of everything in that moment. the press of chishiya's thigh against yours, the soft breathing of his chest, the scent of strawberry's that seemed to root from the blond strands of hair adorning his head. it suddenly felt harder to breathe, but in a way that you couldn't believe he was there, right beside you.

perhaps you would never shake the worries of him leaving. it was always a possibility, and you could not change fate if that was what's written for your life. but here in this moment, chishiya shuntarou is very much real, and he accepts that you are a pianist full of faults enough to want to stay.

as for the blond, he noticed the small quirk of your mouth. he took note of the muscles that relaxed and the way you presented more at ease. he didn't know what you were pondering over to cause such an expression, but he found himself staring at the way your lips twitched and the reflection of your peace evident in your gaze. he longed for that own feeling, to come to terms with the peculiarities of his being. what would it take to achieve such a thing? were the borderlands created to help him with that worry?

the melody dimmed down to just an echo, and you turned your entire body to face him. the same relaxing smile stretched your lips, eyes closed to fully show just how free your soul felt. chishiya blinked, once and one time more before he finally understood. for he could feel his own soft smile grace his lips while continuing to keep you in his gaze.

it was obvious you weren't perfect, and neither was he. but each time you sat on that bench, played those tunes and breathed in the other's prescence, chishiya as well as you could feel the struggles that burdened your shoulders ease, until you were both set free of what used to so heavily plagued your mind. you, able to express the emotions you bottled up and he, who finally felt humanity when with you.

chishiya smiled, a genuine one, for the first time in years.

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