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I am walking through the forest collecting poison oak and some hemlock when I hear a voice from behind "You smell like her" Standing up I turn around to come face to face with a woman with red hair, pale skin and red eyes "like Ferrah"

"Ferrah Tilini Addams?" I inquiry, the woman looks surprised before nodding her head "she is my great great grandmother" tilting my head "are you Victoria Molly Summerhold?"

"I" she is still in a state of shock "have not heard that name is quite some time"

"Might I inquiry you to inject me with your venom so I may be a vampire?" I ask

"You" she points to me "wish to become a vampire?"

"Correct" she walks around me before running at me and grabbing my throat, my heartbeat remains the same. Setting me down I just stare at her "alright" she tilts my head to the side and bites into my neck. As she does this I feel something hot enter my veins, when she pulls back she stares at me "don't you feel any pain?"

"I feel a hot burning enter my system" picking up my basket "thank you, good day" I walk away then and go back to the house. Once there it is dark and I go up the steps to open the door, once I do I walk upstairs to the room I share with Bella.

Turning on the lights, I see a vampire in the mirror "good evening, might I inquiry on why you are in this home?"

"I'm looking for Bella" she says as I stare at her "I saw her jump off a cliff"

"How fortunate then" I respond, putting the basket down I change into different clothing.

"How can you say that?!" the woman exclaims in anger and sadness.

"It is natures way of removing the weak" the pain from the bite is excruciating, it is like fire running through my veins. Grabbing a Black dress and black boot heels I put it on "if Bella were to survive then nature has deemed her not ready for death" grabbing one of the frogs I caught earlier "would you like a frog?"

 Grabbing a Black dress and black boot heels I put it on "if Bella were to survive then nature has deemed her not ready for death" grabbing one of the frogs I caught earlier "would you like a frog?"

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"A frog?" She asked "no" I instead eat the frog, this person stares disgusted and horrified with me "who are you?"

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"A frog?" She asked "no" I instead eat the frog, this person stares disgusted and horrified with me "who are you?"

"I am Persephone Mallory Addams" we hear lightning strike from outside making Alice jump "Your name" I speak "what is your name?"

"Alice" she whispers, we hear the front door open and then close, Alice runs downstairs.

I then hear Bella scream "Alice!" Grabbing the rest of the frogs I go to fry frogs, as I do the people inside do not notice me. When I'm done frying the frogs, I go to the living room and am next to the two. A vampire and human, I holds a plate of frogs as I listen to them. When they see me they jump screaming.

"Problem?" I ask

"How did you do that?" Alice demanded putting a hand on her heart.

"What are those?" Bella points

"Fried frogs" I hold the plate before them "want one? Quite delectable these creatures" Bella gags back bile.

"No thanks" Bella speaks, I turn around then and go up the stairs. When I'm in the room, I eat my frogs in silence reading more about vampires and if any Addams was one. It says here that two were possibly vampires, twins but this was over a thousand years ago.

Just then the door slams open, I do not jump or look up "complication?"

"None of your fucking business" Bella snaps, closing the book I go and close then lock the door. I then turn around and am stoic as I look at Bella who is very pale and terrified "why?" She points "did you close the door?" I stay silent just staring at her "stop that!" She screams "stop that! Stop that!" We hear banging on the door as Bella screams, just then she falls over and I grab my purse before opening the door. Alice and Jacob storm in to find Bella just staring on the air mattress holding her knees to her chest in fear.

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