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It has been one day since Victoria had bitten me, the pain of it was excruciating. But I kept my face blank since I loved every minute of the pain. Unfortunately, Alice has me sitting in the back of the yellow Porsche she had stollen to get us all to Volterra. Because of the sun, I have a parasol with me.

Bella is being all dramatic over a boy who nearly killed her, I wonder if maybe nature wants me to kill her

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Bella is being all dramatic over a boy who nearly killed her, I wonder if maybe nature wants me to kill her. That would explain so much, me becoming a vampire then for me to kill Bella.

"Run" Alice orders Bella when she stops "at the clocktower" I get out then and put sunglasses over my eyes as I walk. My parasol open as I walk, people make way for me. They move aside as I walk to the square.

Once there I hear my cousins pathetic cries, I walk to the clocktower where I see a vampire with his eyes closed about to step into the sunlight. I walk into the building and just keep my eyes on Bella as she jumps into this Edward's arms. She kept screaming his name, so it has to be it.

They say sweet nothings to each other before I smell two more scents come over. One smells amazing, the scent of bourbon, iron, ash and death. Looking over I see two vampires with red eyes come our way, a blonde vampire with a flirty smile and a male who looks to be about seven feet tall with dark hair and pale skin.

"It seems I won't be needing your services after all gentlemen" this Edward speaks, looking over I see Bella in the arms of Edward curious about these vampires. That Edward then looks my way and I keep a blank face "who are you?"

Bella looks my way before screaming "oh my god!" She puts a hand to her chest over her heart "how do you do that?"

"You are an ignorant female Isabella Marie Swan" staring at her stoically "do not fault me for your incompetence to witness situations outside of your view"

"Who are you?" Edward asks holding Bella closer to him.

"My name is Persephone Mallory Addams" stating with my head held high "I am the niece to Jane Maleficent Addams and Alec Baladan Addams"

"Who?" Everyone asks

"Alec and Jane Volturi" yes, they were turned as they were being burned alive. Us Addams have a very detailed recorded history.

"Your Jane and Alec's niece?" The blonde vampire asks

"Correct" looking over with a bland expression "tell me simpleton, are my kin here?"

"She definitely seems like Jane's family" the blonde speaks.

"True" the tall man stares at me and I feel something for him, I don't like this feeling so I break eye contact "Aro wishes to see you again"

"Alright" Edward speaks "Bella why don't you and your cousin enjoy the festival"

"The girls come with us" tall man speaks

"Tell me Edward" he looks my way "what is your favorite part of the human body to remove? Let us begin with the male organs"

"What?" he asked, I then think of the many ways I plan on torturing him then Bella "oh god" holding Bella close "Bella, your cousin" he shakes his head "don't go near her"

"Gentlemen?" I ask looking over at the vampires "why might this Aro require my presence?"

"Your human" the tall one speaks

"Technically as we speak I'm in transition of becoming a vampire" I speak showing them the bite mark, the two vampires come over and check my neck with the bite mark.

"Aren't you in pain?" Blonde man asks

"What are either of your names?" I ask "it is quite rude that I do not know you names"

"I'm Demetri and this is Felix" Felix and I look at one another and the feeling comes back.

"Pleasure to meet you" I stare at Bella as she looks ready to scream.

As I stare she screams "stop that! Stop that! Stop that!" She then falls and backs away to the corner before pulling her legs to her chest and cries.

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