
A tall teen said, "I'm going out now, Mom." He stands around 6'3 inches tall, has long messy green hair, sharp green eyes, a sharp jawline, multiple rings on his fingers, black earrings on both earlobes, and wears the uniform of the U.A, except that he is not wearing the blazer, but rather a sweater over his white button-up polo uniform, and a necktie.

He is currently at his mother's front door saying his last goodbye before heading to his first day at U.A. "Do you have everything? Your tissues? Did you hide your horns? How abo-" Inko Midoriya was interrupted by her son calling her "I have everything. And did everything, I'll see you later," he said lazily as he walked out the door and started his journey to become a hero.

• • • • • • •

Students from other courses and years are looking at her as she walks down the halls of U.A., noticing her "assets" and the mature way she carries herself.

She wears the full U.A. standard uniform and her book bag slung over her shoulder, but even in a uniform, she looks elegant. She is about 5'8 in height. Her hair is in a spiky ponytail, her eyes are closed, and she wears a spiky ponytail.

Her attention was immediately drawn to two people in the classroom: Shoto Todoroki, another recommendation student, and a tall guy with blue hair, and glasses, reading a small book, probably a reminder note, she wondered.

As she took her seat, she took out her notebook and pen, and she was ready to start high school once again. She was sitting in the corner of the class, next to Todoroki, who was just staring into space.

• • • • • • •

Izuku Midoriya finally reached U.A and is trying to find his class. He's seeing a lot of people from different courses and years looking at him. I mean, he looks like a delinquent, after all, his bag is strapped on his back, his hands inside his pockets while his earbuds are blasting some punk rock, punk-pop, and sometimes classic rock, and modern metal.

When he finally finds his class, he looks at the door, for at least 10 seconds. 'Why the hell is the door so fucking huge? Do they have fucking giants in there? ' ' he thought looking up at the door, and then


After the door opened, they looked back, analyzing his new classmates like zoo animals. The noise shocked the room everyone looked at him curiously. But they hear

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LATE ON THE FIRST DAY! HUH?!" Katsuki bakugou stopped his argument and stands up and walked toward Izuku pushing him on his right shoulder.

"My alarm broke..." Izuku simply says lazily, like he doesn't want to be in this conversation.

"Your fucking alarm again!!" Katsuki yells staring at Izuku.

And Izuku just nods once, but somebody disrupted their conversation... if you can call that one...


"Because I want to, and I'm not late, you're just early..." Izuku said walking past the glasses guy but stopped "Where do you sit Kat?" He asks not turning around.

Bakugou answered by sitting on his seat and putting his feet up, and the glasses guy just started to scold him again.

While Izuku just walks to his seat as if nothing happened, "Oi, I suggest you shut up" Izuku said sitting down and looking at Iida "Excuse me?!" Iida said offended "I said shut up!" Izuku raised his voice a little but it did sound a bit demonic "Because the teacher is already annoyed by the noises that he's hearing right now" he said glaring at Iida, and the guy just takes a step back, but before he can speak.

"Someone that just got here already noticed me, but some of you that were early are clueless that someone was in the same room as you that you don't see," a caterpillar said, rolling out the teacher's desk, unzipping... His cocoon? And standing up "You all waste time talking, that's why I didn't come out, and it took Midoriya to shush you to make you all shut up, that's illogical, put these on and meet me at the field," The mystery caterpillar said walking out the class and takes a sip out of his jelly pack.

At first, no one spoke, but they suddenly hear a chair moving, and that chair belongs to Izuku, walking to the front to get a uniform, walking out, hands inside his pockets, and proceeding to lazily walk outside.

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