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Upon smashing the alarm clock against the wall in the morning, the first words heard were "Fucking, shut up!!!" This had been the norm ever since Izuku started middle school.

"IZUKU! THAT'S THE NINTH ALARM CLOCK THIS MONTH!" Inko Midoriya yelled behind the door, Just like his father.... Her mind wandered

The mother just sighs, knowing her son isn't the best person in the morning "I already made breakfast!" She said, once again, behind the door.

"Thanks" izuku opened the door to see his slender-framed mother "I'll take a shower first" he lazily says while kissing his mother on the forehead.

Inko sighs and says "I don't know if raised him properly, or is katsuki just that bad of an influence" while walking back to the kitchen to prepare a plate for her son. Maybe he just needs a cup of coffee and a hug...or six. Suddenly, Izuku's voice comes through the door "MOM! I don't have any clean underwear left!" Inko just shakes her head, wondering if she should have gone into parenting with a more firm hand.

• • • • • • •

Izuku is now seen riding the train to school, his earbuds plugged in, blasting some blink-182 on this bitch. He's currently standing up, holding onto the hand strap of the train. He also sees a variety of U.A. students, from general studies to business courses, from the support department to the hero course. Izuku then looks to the left and sees a student from the hero course, wearing their iconic green and yellow costume, flying on their broomstick! He realizes that the hand strap he was holding onto wasn't really necessary after all. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice from the loudspeaker says: "Attention passengers, the next stop is Hero Course: where dreams come true!" Izuku looks around, embarrassed, as all the other U.A. students give him knowing looks and smiles.

The hero course students were on his left side. How could he tell they were second-year hero course students? There's nothing complicated about it; the hero course students look more athletic even in regular clothes, or in this case, in a standard school uniform.

 And one person he saw is a girl with light-colored hair that reaches down to her shoulders, her straight bangs parted to the left, tucked behind her ear, and left to fall over her eye on the right. She has round, dark eyes that slope slightly downwards towards the sides of her face, framed by rather long eyelashes and noticeably dark eye makeup, their light pupils appearing to be shaped like small clouds. As well as the standard female uniform for U.A. High School, she's also wearing a pair of puffy, cloud-shaped earrings. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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