Separate Links

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Chapter One


Felicity sat silently on the floor, and watched the smoke rapidly fill the small room. The scent was almost intoxicating, and the haze was pale green. She breathed it in, and willed herself to be calm. She closed her eyes, and continued to breathe in the ritualistic herbs. Clearing her mind, Felicity began to feel herself leaving her body behind. Her spirit soared through time and space, dancing in an otherworldly light. It’s here that she found true peace. She wanted to linger in the space, but she had other business to attend to. 

She began to chant in a tongue almost as old and time. Then, through the mist, a portal opened. Felicity drifted forward into the iridescent light. She lifted her eyes and began to call forth her circle. 

“Circle Dusk I call thee forth. Come to me, Ember. Come to me, Dahlia. Come to me, Aster. Come to me, Rowan. Come to me, Camden. I summon you.” There was a rush of violet energy flowing from her finger tips. Then, she found herself back in her room. The smoke had cleared, and the ‘spring scented’ candles had gone out. 

She returned the herbs back to their rightful place, and waited for her circle to answer her summons. It wasn’t long before the first member arrived. It was her best friend, Dahlia.They had known each other since they were four years old. Felicity and Dahlia were almost total opposites, but they were like twin sisters, only four days apart. Where Felicity was dark and kind of moody, Dahlia was light, motherly, and well…emotional. She had almost bleach blond hair, grey eyes, and was what one could call well built.

Wearing her usual booty shorts and tank top, Dahlia let herself in and sat on the couch beside Felicity and awaited the arrival of the others.

Rowan arrived next. He knocked once, and when Dahlia yelled “It’s open!” he let himself in. He nodded once at Felicity and then proceeded to glare at Dahlia.

Rowan was like Felicity’s best guy friend. They had met a few years ago, and immediately clicked. Both were stubborn, and leaders, and agreed with each other on almost everything. Rowan, however, did not like Dahlia. For some reason, they were constantly bickering. Rowan brought out Dahlia’s stubborn side, while Dahlia brought out Rowan’s bottled up anger, which Felicity understood all too well. His hair was a brown sugary color, with pale, crisp green eyes. There was a small scar on his cheek, which it seemed no one but Felicity noticed. Of course, of the circle, she was the only one who knew the reason behind it. 

“This isn’t your house, Dahlia. Felicity should be the one to let people in. she doesn’t need your help.” snapped Rowan

“First off, lose the attitude. Secondly, don’t tell me what to do. You know she wanted you to come in, or she wouldn’t have summoned us. Get over it.” Dahlia replied, rolling her eyes.

“Children, play nicely.”  Felicity intoned, as she had many times before. Why, she thought, are they nice to each other one minute, then ripping at each other’s throats the next? She sighed, and sat gazing coolly at each of them until there was another knock on the door. 

This time it was Aster. Aster was Felicity’s big brother

He was wise, but troubled. Felicity looked to him for support and answers, and he to her. His features were kind, and comforting to Felicity. He had kind, hazel eyes, and short, curly, black hair. He loved music, and was a hippie at heart, and was loved by everyone who knew him. Dahlia had introduced them, and they quickly became close. 

When he entered, Felicity got up and he wrapped her in a bear hug and said, 

“Hey, little one.”  She couldn’t help but smile at his nickname for her. It had always made her feel young and innocent again.

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