Chapter 5

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I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. Why do I like him? Dahlia thought repetitiously. Then she mentally slapped herself. No, you don’t like him. You hate him. He’s a jerk. He’s annoying and over-protective, and his eyes flash when he’s mad. He has really pretty eyes…no, no, no. Stop it Lia. You’re not supposed to like him.

“Dahlia. Stop beating yourself up. You like him and you have for a while now. I‘m your best friend. I know you,” Felicity said laying a hand on her shoulder. 

“I just….I can‘t help it. It‘s like I hate him because I love him. But I don‘t want to. There‘s just something about him.  But he wants people like Charice,” Dahlia sighed, brushing her silvery-blond hair from her eyes and sitting up. They were in the art room waiting to help Mr. Lindemann with some project. “Why does he like people like her? She‘s a prep, someone he supposedly hates. He‘s such a hypocrite. And a jerk. So why do I like him? Ugh,” she wiped angrily at her eyes and stared at her hands which were clamped together in front of her. 

“You like him because he‘s not like other guys you‘ve met. You can‘t crack him easily and he‘s mysterious and dangerous and you like that. You‘re attracted to that. You want to help. It‘s in your nature as a nurturer and motherly figure,” Felicity said wisely. Dahlia hated to admit it, but her twin was right….as she usually was about these kind of things. 

“Yeah. He‘s messing with my emotions, but it‘s like he can‘t pick them up or-” she was interrupted  by the sound of the knob turning. They both look up to see Lane walking through the doorway. He looked up and smiled at Dahlia. 

He’s kinda cute. Not exactly my type, but maybe it’ll help get me over Rowan, she thought as she smiled back and gave a small wave.

Maybe. But trust me, feelings like you have aren’t going to go away just like that. Especially with someone like…him. Felicity’s thoughts clearly indicated that she didn’t like Lane. 

He’s not too bad I don’t guess. He has a nice smile and he looks like the kind of guy who has a sweet side. Dahlia thought defensively. 

Oookay. Have fun with that. Look, I’m not going to stop you, but I just don’t think you’ll be too happy with him. But I’ll give you a chance to figure that out for yourself, Felicity thought, exasperated.

“Hey, Dahlia. Hey….Dahlia‘s friend,” Lane said lamely. Dahlia chuckled; Felicity glared.

“It‘s Felicity you-”

“What are you doing here?” Dahlia interrupted quickly before Li-li’s vocabulary took on multi-colors.

“I just came in to check on supplies for Mr. Lindemann. It‘s just a bonus seeing you here I guess,” he smiled crookedly and Dahlia blushed. She could hear Felicity fake gag at the attempted pick up line. 

That went over about as smooth as a scooter on gravel, Felicity thought giving a mental eye roll. Dahlia elbowed her in the stomach and Felicity glared at her.

“Really? Well, umm…do you wanna go out some time? Maybe get some coffee after school today?” Dahlia was shocked at her forwardness and silently thanked Felicity for helping her with her courage. 

“Awesome! I mean, uh, that sounds fun,” he blushed slightly at his over-enthusiastic response. 

“Great. Meet you at Starbucks right after school then?”

“Yeah, see you there. My treat.” Lane beamed as he turned to leave. When the door shut, Dahlia turned to Felicity and squealed. 

“Really? That? Twin, you could’ve done sooo much better. He looks like a friggin squirrel! And not the cute kind either! I’m talking about the ones who have been hit by a weed hacker. A weed hacker!”

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