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-Includes a very cunning Arthur.

- a somewhat shy Bloodhound because i love making them sweet.

Word count: 1177


A black feather's dried stem was rolled between her index and thumb, and idly, (f/n) inspect the lovely glow it emitted as the daylight's rays were gently cast upon it.

Her eyes brightened with warmth, and she felt a smile overcome her.

Such a lovely gleam was familiar, and she softly smiled as she thought of the creature that typically soared above during battle.

- Friend or foe, he is always a lovely sight to behold.

"Ah, Arthur..." she softly murmured, tenderness in her voice because her heart had always been one to be swayed by creature more than man.

Arthur was a very intelligent bird, charming too when she considered the small trinkets she found in her things, placed there carefully by the dark flier.

Her soft smile then became rather quirky and her shoulders lightly shook as she lowered her chin to her chest, lowly chucking before she started to shake her head.

"- My secret admirer, " she said with amusement, remembering how Loba had commented on it, making it seem like it was anything more.

"Yet another gift my dear? " Adrande said with a touch of a smile present as she approached the other woman who sat on the table, admiring the lovely flower that had been left behind for her with the only clue as to who had left it being a familiar creature's soft coo.

"Your admirer certainly knows how to put a smile on your face, I only see you smile that way when they leave you something as frivolous as a feather." She added with a small pout, her chin subtly pointed to the object in her hand.

"- A girl like you deserves far more, but, I suppose this is your version of diamonds," she said lowly, perhaps more to herself as she released a little snicker.

Simple (f/n) would fall in love with them...

"Though, I see today they've gone with the classics," Loba observed

" -A flower, a pretty red one at that," she voiced while giving props to the other woman's bashful suitor.

(f/n) chuckled to herself, " ...Arthur is charming, " she started, mirth in her tone, and she'd been ignorant to Loba's surprised expression as she said the name. Had she been looking at her she would have caught the wide eyed surprise that had taken over her, and stayed as she tried to process the very idea.

"Arthur..." Andrade said to herself, her eyebrows risen, "Oh my..." she then said, "You still think that-"

She was then interrupted by another legend, coincidentally, the very one she was going to bring up.

(F/n)'s attention then fell onto the woman fully, finally pulling away from the deep concentration the dark feather had cast upon her,

"Loba?" She said with a little smile, her eyebrows creased up with a touch of worry and apology.

" I'm sorry," she voiced, " I wasn't paying attention ; My mind wondered elsewhere," she then admitted sheepishly. "- what were you saying?" (f/n) asked, noticing Bloodhound too and offering them a happy wave and a pleasant smile.

It was obvious how much her expression brightened, and a little chuckle escaped the woman with the long, twin braids.

Loba suddenly smiled, closing her eyes and shaking her head with amusement present, " Oh, it was nothing, beautiful," she said while preforming a small wave with her right hand.

"Don't pay any mind to me," she proceeded while standing up. "I'm just making room for our friend," she said playfully, pulling her chair back and offering it to the masked Legend.

"Go on, take a seat," she said all too sweetly, subtlety inching the chair closer to (f/n)'s.

"You are too kind...Thank you," Bloodhound responded softly, seeming hesitant at first, much more when they eyed the smile Loba offered them.

There was no doubt in their mind that she new something, and it festered a worry in them that made their palms clammy.

They were weary of the action, much more, they felt concerned over what she proceeded to say as they graciously look the seat offered.

"Of course darling," Loba said with the same sugar present in her tone as before, "You are always welcome to join us," she made sure to add.

" What a coincidence you're here now..." she then added with a playful hum, " we were just talking about (f/n)'s admirer," Loba voiced, chuckling as she noticed Bloodhound's hands fist the material of their pants, no doubt acting upon a spiked fluster and nervousness.

"I'm sure you're very familiar with them," she added slyly.

The eyes that hid behind the thick lenses took a chance to set aside as they strayed from (f/n)'s existing, soft smile, and they fleeted instead.

"Ah...yes...I am..." Bloodhound answered, their tone too soft, knowing them all too well.

Perched on their shoulder, their preening companion was there to offer a look that somehow seemed accomplished, smug even.

It was a miracle they hadn't voiced their elatedness with their boastful caw yet, and Bloodhound was somewhat grateful to be given a chance to admire the lovely woman more during that small span of time.

She seemed so touched by the gesture, by a single feather that it did something to their heart.

"Arthur..." Bloodhound said with just a touch of exasperation, a cold sweat dripping down their brow as the creature released a rather soft coo that puffed his chest.

A gentle chuckle left Bloodhound, and they shook their head lightly at the sound, a soft smile present, "You mean well, I'm certain," they responded. However, even if they were understanding, it didn't mean that they didn't hold a certain feeling of trouble.

It had all started with a single, fluorescent flower that was native to their home's land, and that was a color so bright it stood out while decorating the greenery below.

They had picked it with (f/n) in mind, but during the last minute they decided it best not to, not gathering enough nerve to even leave it where she could find it.

- And that's when Arthur came in, taking action.

Every now and then the creature left their own tokens of affection, but for the most part it was a collection of things Bloodhound found beautiful, and eye-catching, all of which (f/n) seemed to agree upon based on how gleeful she seemed after each delivery.

the rosy touch that graced Bloodhound was well hidden but felt so strongly that they could only picture steam emitting from their own face.

Bloodhound's winged companion soon left again, but returned back shortly, landing back on their shoulder with a freshly picked blossom hanging from their beak.

Urgently Arthur nudged the flower to Bloodhound, not being subtle in his intentions, and holding an urgency that conveyed that if they had limbs they'd shoved their companion towards the awaiting female.

'Take it to her...' oh how his eyes screamed with plea.

'- Take this to her...and watch her smile when she sees that it's been from your heart the entire time.'

Bloodhound x Fem reader one shots / DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now