Chapter 1

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Have you ever looked at someone and just know they'd be absolutely perfect for your son? They're kind, sweet, smart, loyal

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Have you ever looked at someone and just know they'd be absolutely perfect for your son? They're kind, sweet, smart, loyal... qualities every mother would want her child's partner to have.

I can just imagine it now, the family dinners, the kids, the future they could have together.

The only problem is they don't know each other.

And every single attempt to get them to meet, has failed. It's times like this when I wish I could bring in some back-up—Luke for one would be amazing at this—but I can't.

I've been on shift for three hours so far, with another seven to go, and once again there was a sad look on Sang's face. It really breaks my heart to see her this way, and I really wish I could help.

Sang is a ray of sunshine—there's no other way to describe her. She's recently started working at the hospital as a resident, but I've known her for years. From college to medical school to her internship, I've witnessed a lot of the big moments of her lives. Sang is one of the nicest, most genuine people I have ever met, and I really love that we're getting to work together now.

She's touring my floor, because she's still undetermined on her speciality, and it's really been good for us nurses. Sang's loved, a lot, because she's got a go-get-'em attitude where she will do everything in her power to help.

I think Sang had an abusive childhood. It's something we've never actually discussed, as she's very reclusive about her past, but she quite often gets this look on her face—the 'protect me' look that tugs at every maternal instinct within you because you know they've never had that.

It's a look I recognise because Kota, my oldest child, used to look the same way. His father, my ex-husband, was abusive when Kota was younger, and it took me too long to do something about it. Luckily, though, we got out of the situation, and he's been through therapy and he's thriving. I can only hope that Sang has too.

Sang's only eighteen years old and is a resident—a feat not normally done until mid-twenties. She's definitely a genius, even if she's far too humble to admit it. She graduated college at thirteen and flew threw medical school in only two years. Her internship couldn't be rushed, much to her dismay, but she's still one of the most advanced residents I've ever worked with.

Not that I'd ever tell Sean that.

I love her, and I've adopted her as one of my own. Even if she doesn't realise it. I really want to be able to make the haunted look on her face disappear, but she's completely closed down. Since she's the same age as Kota, I believe they'd get along. Whether that's as friends... or something more.

I hope for something more—I desperately hope for something more—but I'd never push things. Not outwardly anyway—in my head is a different matter.

The only problem with this plan is that Sang always politely declines attending activities outside of work. Since turning eighteen she has been asked on so many dates—although she's naive enough to assume the requests are just colleagues trying to get to know her—and yet she declines every single one of them.

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