The Lunarian Artbook

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The rights of the artworks belong to the artist (me) TM! You're not allowed to use, edit or trace my works for any private or comercial purpouses. 

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Welcome to Space - Don't push the button!

"We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars..." - Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980

Each character has their own story, but the story of the Gang presented here is a simple one: They were the most badass motherf*ckahs' on the moon and eventually across distant worlds beyond that

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Each character has their own story, but the story of the Gang presented here is a simple one: They were the most badass motherf*ckahs' on the moon and eventually across distant worlds beyond that. Well, according to them at the very least, there was never anything more "cool and badass" since the creation of toolbars, audio remotes and arcades! All bragging rights are reserved and belong to the Jackpots! They earned said "rights" through years of legendary stories to tell at a campfire and there is no shame in being prideful! 

The Lunarians in this alternative (fanfictional) universe correspond with the Lunarians created by Eiichiro Oda (Owner/Creator of One Piece), but they also come with differences. In my AU, there were three types of this race. Three different "Classes" of which one is created by Oda (winged and flaming Lunarian, just like King from the Kaido Arc) and two other kinds that developed through years of natural evolution on the moon. (B-Class and C-Class, unwinged but flaming and unwinged and unflaming, rare mutation) // More about this in the Sheets! 

My original story and the first ideas were drafted out all the way back in 2002/2003 before the Enel Cover Story was released and the Space Pirates on the Moon were introduced. Once the Cover Story was released plus the fact that Space Pirates exist in OP - I was hooked on this idea and my crew! It's a bit of a lifelong project at this point ^^ The little love of a Sci-Fi and Pirate Geek :3 

In the AU; the Jackpots were the most successful, advantageous Crew in Space, always being ahead of the game; and they lived by their own rules and mindsets. They lived after strong principles, creating a groundbreaking philosophy and even if their morale was somewhat questionable, they still had their hearts on the right spot. They all had their flaws but instead of judging over such blemishes, they embraced those glitches, therefore teaching others' as well that perfection was nothing but a ridiculous goal that couldn't be accomplished. 

Although my main OC (Nemo) was the one who started the Lunarian Guide; it turned into a lifestyle pretty quickly and therefore was influenced by all members of the Moongang. For them their bond, their views and their boastful heroism were like a religion. A kind of doctrine and they all lived by it. It describes their interactions and "togetherness" in a comedical way. 

The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew - A Lunarian ArtbookWhere stories live. Discover now