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Games' o' spin da bottle! Chapter Art! 

Games' o' spin da bottle! Chapter Art! 

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POST: for chapter 14!

Link to the chapter:

This picture drove me nuts! Damn! It took forever, IDEK if I'm 1000% satisfied with the outcome and obviously, I mixed in some elements to manage this at all. I wanted livelihood on deck, but drawing dozens of tiny characters wasn't worth it, so I cut out ppl, used a brush, edited everything and made it fit somehow. There also was another BG before, but that one didn't make me happy, this one here kinda does tho! ^^

Now let's break apart what we got here! A spin of bottle game with the typical "truth or dare" choices! OFC Ace had to ask THAT question! Aye?😂 Since I introduced Bonkers to ya'll, some may read my stories and the funny gimmick of Ace trying to get Nemo to admit that Bonkers is not a science-study, but her beloved pet instead! The whole Crew knows ofc! 😂💯

But it's so funny how Nemo is reacting to those teases, especially because she always acts like she's too cool to think of something cute. *cough cough* This very fateful evening tho! Ace finally got her to say it and admit it! The rules state: If you choose truth you have to answer truthfully! And here, Ace won yet another bet! Just a few weeks ago, he said: "Bet I get you to admit that you love your snail?" OH LORD! HE DID! But don't worry! Nemo isn't really angry, she's actually playful about it and low-key impressed the Firecracker got her good!

Why are there palms on deck? Well, Nemo planted them there and right next to it, out of the screen, you'd find the first prototype of a coconut cloning machine, so she'll never run low on her fave fruit! Drop asks about the scene if you like! It's hilarious! I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Every like, share and comment is appreciated! You can't buy me a coffee please :D But you sure can leave some appreciation <3 ;)

Don't forget to leave some love for the fanfiction too! Link to the Lunarian Guide:


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