Gentle in the Night Part 3

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Meiling: You seem to be getting the hang of this!

The red haired gate keeper watched as you were attempting to catch your breath. Sweat dropped from your face as you heavily panted from the amount of training you experienced in such a short amount of time.

Meiling: *snickers* You okay there?

(Y/N): *pant* Yeah, just a little winded.

Meiling: You've certainly gotten a lot stronger since the last tune. Come on, we'll go one more round before the others finish resolving the incident.

(Y/N): *in thought* Damn, nearly forgot! Alright... I got this...!

Without warning, Meiling rushed in to deliver a swift kick from the side. Luckily, your instincts allowed you to raise an arm to block the attack however, she cancelled her movement to turn her back towards you with all of her might.

(Y/N): *in thought* What the-?!

You barely dodged at the last second as you vaulted over her to dodge.

(Y/N): Literally made me jump!

You blocked an incoming fist with the palm of your hand and another as she began to attack in rapid succession. The red haired woman even began to mix a few light kicks, which you deflected with your own feet.

Meiling: Hey, you're doing a lot better than the last one!

This was quite reassuring as you continued to deflect each attack with swift movements.

(Y/N): *in thought* Keep focusing..

Despite being blindfolded, you were able to see a humanoid aura throwing the same attacks as Meiling. For an unknown reason, you were able to read the movements much better as you were precise with your blocking.

Meiling: See what I mean?

Your instincts warned you to hold your arms up as the red haired woman unleashed a flurry of quick punches. They were quite painful as it felt as if your forearm was practically burning however you successfully deflected the last attack to the side. This allowed you to attempt for a quick knee attack however, her other arm stopped your leg and she returned with an elbow to your face.


From inside of the mansion, a certain magician watched from the window as she made her way towards the library. Eventually, her eyes drifted towards the "night sky" and stared at the supposed moon. Then her eyes were back towards the small sparring session before sighing to herself and continued to walk across the halls.

Patchouli: *sigh* Really? At a time like this?

Back With You

At the same time, the both you let out a small war cry as you charged at each other. The two of you threw a powerful punch that eventually forced the attacks to collide until you two were at a stalemate. Even the ground beneath cracked under the powerful impact until the both of you separated.

Meiling fell to her knees as she was practically sweating from the session as you fell backwards while breathing heavily.

Meiling: *panting* I'd say you pretty much passed at this point!

(Y/N): *small laughter* You think so?

You groaned as you struggled to even rise from the ground so you decided to remain on the floor.

???: Are the two of you finished?

You opened your eyes to find the purple haired mage standing beside you.

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