My room

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We arrived at the boys flat, where we were meeting Simon and where we will be staying until the tour starts in a week. Liam and Harry showed me my room as the rest of the boys went to pig out in the kitchen until Simon showed.

My room was beautiful. It was every girl's dream room, and teust me, I was not a girly girl, but it was amazing. It was huge with a walk-in closet that was bigger than my entire room back home. I had my own bathroom! I was used to sharing a bathroom with two little brothers so this was paradise.

"Thanks." Was all I could muster as I gawked at my new room."No problem love, it was the least we could do." Harry said. I gave him and Liam a hug and they hugged back with smiles on their faces. "I'm glad you like it Mari." Liam said. "The rest of the boys helped too, so go thank them too." Harry said. I practically ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw Niall at the table eating and I went from behind him and hugged him from behind the chair. "Wha-. What's up?" He said, with a mouth full of chicken from Nandos, I presume.

"My room! I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" I said. "No big deal." "Modest mofos." I mumbled as I ran over and hugged the rest of the boys.


Short, I know. I'm sorry. Forgive me,

* puppy dog eyes*

So whatcha think peeps? And yes, I said modest mofos. I like it , don't you? Haha. Well, what team are you on,

(CN means couple names.)

The obvious two:


CN: Miall or Nari.


CN:Marry or Hari.

I think Harry CN's are cute, right? But Niall and Mari seem cute together. I just don't know yet...

Or she could fall in love with another boy?


CN:Mouis, Lari. (Haha Lari, like larry, haha I feel stupid.)


CN:Miam, Lari.(Again with the Lari.)


CN: Mayn (Aww.), Zari

Or, I might add Big time rush, or oooh Austin Mahone! Mystery twist, maybe?


CN:Mustin, Aari.

And I'm to lazy to put the BTR ones so, do it yourself. Haha sorry.

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