Disney and Old Friends

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Mari's POV:

I was all packed up for Disney. I pulled a few strings, and Karli, Maggie and Hayley are coming. They said they were bringing a friend, Tiffany with them. I knew her well, but never really talked to her back home, I was normally the quiet one.We were meeting them at Epcot at that golf ball thingie, whatever it is called.

"Leggo!" I called, all ready to go, running down the stairs. "Food...." Niall moaned. "Grab, and go!" I said.

Eventually, we all were in the private jet, and taking off. There were different compartments, and I sat in one with Harry, Niall and Liam in one, and Zayn and Louis in another. I was breaking Larry Styliston, as Lou put it. Harry had just laughed, and hugged Lou before putting his arm around me and walking to our compartment.

"So, your friends are coming?" He said. "Yeah, Karli, Hayley, Maggie, and Tiffany." "Cool, maybe we could all go out on a double date, except ya know with 4 couples, since Liam has Dani."(A/N: In my story, none of them have gf's, except Liam, who has Dani.)"Maybe, but Tiffany has a thing for this boy named Frank back home. That seems to work out since Liam's with Dani."

We laughed. "Well, you excited to see them again?" "Yeah, it seems like I haven't seen them in ages." I responded. "Harry, when's the last time you've seen your friends from home?" I asked. "Oh. Well, not in a while actually. I wasn't the most popular anyhow, I only had two real friends, Andy and Melody. But Melody died in a car crash last year."

"Oh, Harry. I sorry." I said, sorry that I brought it up. "Naw, it's fine." He simply waved it off. "Hey, why don't we visit Andy after our trip to Disney?" I asked, eager to change the subject and cheer him up.

"Yeah, that sounds good." He said, seeming to perk up a little. "Hazza, we better be careful, Lou might get jealous...." "No, he's already jealous of you." He laughed. I blushed, and he put his arm around me. "Can I ask you something?" He said. "You just did, but go ahead." I joked.

"Do you-" He started. "HAAARRRRRRYYYY!" Louis called. Whatever Harry had to say was postponed, while we went to Louis. "Yesss?" Harry said, almost annoyed. "We're almost there." Louis said.

"Ok. I'll go get our stuff then." I said. "NO!" They shouted in unison. "Ok, then..." I said. "It's just that, we umm, will get it for you, won't we Hazza?" Louis said.

They seemed very suspicious...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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