Marry/ Hari Moments!

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After Lou left and I ended the skype call, I decided to get ready. Incase I haven't described myself already, I have long curly blonde hair and green eyes. I am not skinny, but not fat either.

I got out of my pjs and got into the shower. I soon got out and blowdryed my hair. I curled my already curly hair. I had on my purple Aeropostale shirt and my white shorts. I put on my purple TOMS and was ready to go. I don't ever really wear makeup, except for mascara and lipgloss sometimes.

I went down the stairs and down to where the boys were sitting in the couch. I plopped myself down next to Harry and he started playing with my curls. "Hazza, you are gonna mess up my hairrr!" I complained. "Calm down goldilocks!Your hair is still perfect. Just like you. " The last part he whispered in my ear.

Geez, this boy gave me goosebumps. "So if you get to mess with my hair, I shall mess with yours!" I said. "Not the curls girl!" He said seriously. I messed up his hair and ran. "Mari! You shall pay!" He said, chasing after me.

After our race across the house, Liam called us. "Truce?" I asked, offering my hand. "For now, goldy." He said, picking me up bridal style. Soon we made it to the living room and I guess Liam was busy gathering the other boys. Probably getting Zayn away from his hair products and mirror, Lou away from his carrot pillow and out of his superman pjs, and Niall away from the pantry.

"Hey, Harry, do you guys ever bring friends with you on tour?" I asked, thinking of Maggie, Karli and Hayley. "Sometimes, but mostly only girlfriends. " He answered. "Why?" He asked. "Uh, well I wanted to bring some friends, you know if Simon lets me."

"I'm sure he will. What is their names? No boyfriend right? " He said. I laughed and said, "No, no boyfriend, what, you jealous?" "Pshh, no, Harry Styles doesn't get jealous." He said triumpantly. " Well, anyhow, their names are Karli, Maggie and Hayley."

"Hayley, as in Louis' new crush?" He questioned. " OMG Harry, did he really say that?" "Yeah, he was talking about her nonstop at breakfeast."

"Aww, they would make such a cute couple, maybe I can match up the rest of you boys with someone too!" I said. "Well, Mari, I think I have someone in mind. " I blushed, nonsure if he was talking about me. "Who?" I asked, just to be sure. " Well, she is very, very guilable, and doesn't get when people are talking about her, blonde hair, green eyes, and insane." He said. I giggled.

I think I might be starting to sort out my feelings. But, I am going to be touring with him, this is business. I just don't know what to do......


Hey! Hay is for horses. Well anyhow, whatcha think? I haven't bewn keeping up on chapterly song have I? Well this chapter is, Suit and Tie.

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