Chapter 2

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Tony cradles a mug of hot chocolate that Tony is sure that had crushed up sleeping pills as his eyes are starting to feel heavy. He's dressed in a pair of his emergency black sweatpants that he keeps in Gibbs' guest bedroom wardrobe and one of his boss's worn t-shirts that is doused in his scent: coffee and sawdust. He likes wearing Gibbs' clothes, they smell safe, like home. Gibbs, in question, is sitting beside his SFA, sipping a cup of coffee, staring at Tony with a smirk etched onto his face. Even though he's smirking on the outside, on the inside, he's fuming that he didn't see how bad his SFA was until it was too late. He just hopes that the sleeping pills he crushed up and put in his 'sons' hot coco will work and get him to sleep and also tell him why Tony hasn't been sleeping for the last two days. It's easy to get information from a medicated Tony.

"Tony, why haven't you slept in two days?" Gibbs asks his SFA who's blue eyes are starting to droop. Tony looks at him, his blue eyes cloudy.

"Dreams." He says, his words slurring slightly. Gibbs' ears prick up, DiNozzo's having dreams? Why didn't the idiot tell him this?

"Dreams about what, Tony?" Gibbs asks, this is easier than he thought.

"'Bout being a'lone." Tony says, mumbling, before Gibbs can say anything, Tony is speaking again.

"'Bout Senior getting me an taking me 'way from you and Kate, an Abbs, and Probie, all leaving me." Tony says, his voice getting quieter and quieter with each word he says. Gibbs puts his coffee down on the bedside table and moves to his son, enveloping into a hug, stroking his dark hair.

"Shh, son, no one is taking you, no one is taking away from Kate, or Abby, or Tim, or Duck, or Palmer and you're definitely not  getting taken away from me, we'd all fight like hell to keep you and get you back, DiNozzo, you know that." Gibbs whispers in his sons' ear, feeling his eyes filling up with tears at the thought of his son being taken away from him, like his daughter and his first love. Ton stifles a yawn, causing Gibbs to chuckle softly in his son's ear. "Go to sleep, bud, I'm here, I'll hold you as you sleep." Gibbs coaxes his son to lie with his head on Gibbs' chest, covering his son with his thick blue duvet. With his son out like a light, he continues running his finger through his son's hair, his own blue eyes drooping.

Gibbs smiles as he too falls asleep, happy that his son is asleep, happy, safe, in his arms.

Tony groans as his green open and he becomes aware of his surroundings: his head is lain g on something hard, not a pillow, and long, smooth, yet rough long fingers are tangled in his hair, telling him that someone has been running their fingers through it. He hears a beating of a heartbeat thumping in his ear. He's laying on someone's chest.

But whose chest is he laying on?

His eyes take in the familiar sight of the room he's in: a chest of brown drawers next to the bedroom door, a wardrobe in the corner near to the window. The duvet that's covering his body is thick, warm and blue, his green eyes widen.

He's laying on his boss's chest with Gibbs's fingers in his hair and the boss is asleep. He can't believe that his boss is in his bed, asleep.

A smile spreads across his face as his eyes start getting heavy.

"Thanks, Dad." Tony says as he falls back asleep, his head once again on his boss's chest. He isn't aware that his boss, Dad, has been awake the whole time..

"I love you too, son."

A\N: A new story is finished and completed on my own deadline! Enjoy xxx

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