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Angry(Souya) dropped his wallet without noticing it because he's in hurry to go school and someone pick it up and catch up to Angry and ask if it's his wallet and Angry said "Thank You" and they eye to eye contact and he ask what's his name and angry says "My name... So-Souya Kawata! And what's your name?" Angry ask and he says "My name is Rindou Haitani! Nice to meet you Souya!"

And after telling their names Angry suddenly go on rush because he's late so he have no time to talk to Rindou!

Rin: wa-

Angry: Sorry! I'm in hurry!

And Rindou just got stunned and can't say anything because he... Didn't get Angry's number! So he just walk and thinking if he will meet Angry again and have the chance to ask he's phone number, while walking he saw he's brother in a car and ask why is he here!

Ran(Ran Haitani, Rindou older brother)

Rin: Why are you here?

Ran: oh hahaha, I saw you got a little stunned just now after that guy you just met left! So I got worried that you might hurt an innocent student!

Rin: Student?

Ran: Well... He's name is "Souya Kawata", right?

Rin: how did you-?

Ran: he has an older brother too! And he's older brother and me are "friends", so he told me about he's little brother, so what I'm really here for is... don't hurt my "friends" little brother, ok? If... U have another chance to meet him again!

Rin: f*ck off!

Ran: well than... Wanna go home with me? Since you don't have anything to do!

Rin: no need! I don't need anything from you!

*ran sigh*

Ran: hahaha ok than *ran shouted, car leaving* bye I'll wait for you at the house!

Rin: *shouted loud so he's brother can hear it* I'm already living alone, f*ck it

Ran: ok

Rindou started walking again and saw a Cafe and decided to go there and wait if Angry will walk through!

*at school*

Teacher: you're late again Souya!

Angry: sorry!(holding back he's anger) I over sleep last night

*teacher sigh*
Teacher: ok! You should go to your sit

Angry walk and sit down in he's table and chair in the back!

Angry POV

Why do I even have to go school? Fighting is even better than school! Can I even learn from any of these? Dammit! I really want to quit but my brother will hit me hard many times again! *Angry sigh, look out at the window* damn! If only I have guts to talk back to may brother! And that guy... It's like my brother mention him before... What's their relationship anyway?

No ones POV

After the class, he's classmate say to him that someone is asking for him and Angry responded and say "ok", Angry is out of the room and go out to see who is the person asking for him! And when he's out he saw Rindou out waiting, and Angry just ignore him believing he's waiting for someone and he's not the one who ask for him. Angry just walk straight to the gate and suddenly someone grad he's hand, Angry got a little shock and look back who's the one grabbed him and... He saw Rindou.

Angry: Wha- what are you doing? I thought your waiting for someone?

Rin: Yeah, right! I'm waiting for someone and that's you! I'm the one who ask for you and nothing else! I didn't notice you.

Angry: O-oh... I thought your waiting someone else so I just ignore you and find who's the one ask for me... So-sorry

Rin: Hahaha it's fine! Anyway can we talk at the park?

Angry: Yeah... Sure

And the both go to park and talk.

*back in time*

Rindou's POV

*sigh* it's been more than one hours! Is he really a student? No-no! My brother is just talking nonsense! At that look... He's like an adult but cute like a kid! There's no way he would still be an student!...
Ahhhhhh! I can't wait anymore! I think I should ask that school near this Cafe!

after walking for 45 mins

So... Is this the school? Well... I think I should ask these other students if they know him!

Rin: hey! Until what time will you all go out?

Students: amm... Until 3:30 o'clock... Sir?

Rin: oh... Ok! Thanks!

Students: is he rich? Why is he so handsome? Who is he?

Rin: I think I should wait another one hour again! *sigh*

No one's POV

After an hour, other classes or students came out of the school and Rindou ask the students if they know some name "Souya Kawata" and the students responded and say "yes... Sir?, do you want me to call him sir?" "Yeah, thanks" Rindou responded

*back at the park*

Rin: anyway... Have you been doing great at school? i didn't know your a student. I thought your already an adult! So what is your age now and grade?

Angry: amm... I'm 18 yrs old, first year college

Rin: oh... I'm 21 yrs old, may I take your number?

Angry: ... Sure?

No one's POV

And now Rindou have the chance to take he's phone number and Angry's phone suddenly ring, when he look at it. It's he's older brother the one who's calling

Angry: Sorry! I'm just going to talk with my brother

Rin: yeah yeah sure

And after Angry talk to he's brother he go back to Rindou and say he should go home because he's brother is worried!

Rin: so... You have a brother?

Angry: yeah! He's my older brother! He's name is "Nahoya Kawata" and I should go! My brother is worried about me, sorry

Rin: yeah sure! Bye!

Angry: yeah, bye ri-...

Rin: Just call me Rindou or Rin if it's kinda long for you to call me.

Angry: oh... Ok bye Rindou

Next chapter will be updated after 3 days

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