Twin of Percy Jackson

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Hearing a someone knock on the yet again for the tenth time in the last ten minutes I finally get annoyed and get up.

Opening the door I see someone I didn't expect. Zoë Nightshade, it's normal for me not to expect her at camp since she's a hunter and she tended to avoid me for whatever reason.

"What is it?" I ask with my annoyance in my voice.

Zoë looks me up and down before resting her eyes on mine, "Are you just now waking up?"

"Three options. Speak what you need. Leave. Join me in bed." I say staring back at her.

It may have been true that she woke me up, and that may have been why I was grumpy, but its not my fault I stayed up late... well it was.

Zoë didn't respond for a minute so I took that as a sign to shut the door, unfortunately she stuck her foot in it before it could fully close.

"I wanted to talk to you." Zoë says.

Giving an annoyed grunt I open the door and gesture for her to come in.

I flop back down in the hammock I was sleeping in as Zoë finds somewhere to sit down.

"So hows the rest of the hunters?" I ask.

"They are good." Zoë says, "Lady Artemis wishes that you would join the hunt."

"As I stated I am a lesbian so you think it'd be a good idea for me to be around so many females." I respond thinking of two in particular.

Their was Zoë, the tall, graceful and quite frankly gorgeously beautiful huntress. Brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate I liked so much. Her copper skin that seemed so touchable, and long dark hair I wanted to run my hands through as she laid against my chest.

Then their was Thalia. The girl with black hair that always seemed to like taking charge of situations. Electric blue eyes that always seemed to make me weak in the knees, especially when she becomes assertive. Freckles across her nose that I think enhanced her beauty. The punk that I could see myself topping.

I had a crush on both of them, and the more I spent around the both of them the more confusing it became, though since Zoë seemed to avoid me I was partial to Thalia, but they are both in the hunt so what's the use?

"Thalia said she would be here in a moment." Zoë says snapping me from my thoughts.

"Two huntresses, and the best looking ones at that." I say and don't notice the look on Zoë's face when I say it.

"What about Lady Artemis?" Zoë ask.

"She is pretty, but I can't see her true form so can't make a true judgement." I respond and turn on my side so I can look at Zoë.

When I did rest my eyes on her I realized that she somehow had became even more beautiful since the last time I saw her.

"What happened to the shakespearean english?" I ask now noticing the change.

"Thalia has helped me adapt my english." Zoë says and I pout.

"I thought it was cute." I mutter, not knowing if she heard me or not.

"It wasn't easy to do either." Thalia says walking into the cabin and looking around, "Where's seaweed brain?"

"With owl girl." I reply.

"How about you, find someone interesting?" Thalia ask sitting beside Zoë.

"Best girl that has come to this camp was you sparks." I say winking at her.

"Aww I'm flattered quakey." Thalia says with a grin.

"So thou are interested in Thalia?" Zoë ask.

I look at her for a moment registering the looks on both of their faces. I think about my answer for a moment before sighing.

"Truth is...." I start and see they're listening intently, "I have a crush on both of you." I admit with a light blush.

They are both silent and I can feel my nervousness growing in my gut.

"Artemis was right." Thalia says catching me off guard.

"The pledge only says that we turn our back on the company of men." Zoë says.

I look at them confused and they look at me. Thalia chuckles while Zoë smiles.

"Well quakes we talked about this before coming here." Thalia says walking over to my hammock.

"And we realized that we both felt the same about you." Zoë continues doing the same as Thalia.

Thalia lays in my hammock with me and Zoë follows suit.

"So if you don't mind how about we date each other?" Thalia ask.

I however failed to respond due to my brain short circuting, "Uh...."

"Y/n?" Zoë ask tapping my cheek.

Still unable to form any words I do the only thing I could think of, I kiss her, and I must say it was amazing. Her lips were so soft and suprisingly sweet.

Pulling apart I look into her eyes, "Yes."

"I need an answer too." Thalia says and I turn to her.

She was the one to take charge of the kiss. Her lips met mine, they were warm. They also seemed to give off a slight shock that I liked.

Thalia always shocked me, and I think at some point she realized that I kinda liked it.

When Thalia parted the kiss she looked down at me with a smile, "Just melted to me."

I could only blush as she laid down back beside me. I was in the middle of Zoë and Thalia.

"Can I go back to sleep, I'm still tired." I ask.

"Sure, lets." Thalia responds.

"I don't mind." Zoë says.

They both cuddle up to me, their warmth being shared with me, and since winter was a week away, the warmth was nice.

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