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This was  DxD fanfic about an Angel reader, blah blah blah. You'll figure things out.

This has been sitting in the drafts for about a year now, and I basically forgot about so just gonna put it here.





Y/n Pov






The clear water drops falling from the shower head mix with the crimson red liquid traveling down my arms. I had finally broken my promise to my friend, I cut myself.


As a cold sensation takes hold of me I lay back against the wall of the shower and stare at the six cuts on my arms, three on each, with blood pouring out of them.


My wet shirt clings to my body as the blood rolls down onto my jeans with bits of blood on the hem of my shirt.

Y/n:"...six... heh.. always was my favorite number."

My mind trails to the beast, the figure often associtated with my favorite number.

Y/n:"suicide was considered a mortal sin once... guess im going to hell... I never did anything particularly good anyways."

As my vision slowly fades to black and my bones feel feel like their freezing and the cuts on my arms feel like they are burning I make peace with my fate and close my eyes, and let out one final sentence.

Y/n:"...i'm.. sorry... I couldn't... see another way..."

The blackness consumed everything as my arms felt weighed down as if something was wrapped around each of them.

After what felt like hours I hear whispers, but I ignore them not feeling like hearing them.

Sitting in the black emptiness the high pitched whispering continues for hours if not days. At some point I realize I couldn't understand anything that was being said, but I somehow knew they were talking about me. It sounded like a ringing in my ears but louder than I ever heard before.

After a few more minutes of bearing the whispering it grew quiet, but I could tell whatever was whisper was still out there.

Then a little girl appeared in the black emptiness. She was about a quarter of my height, (you being 6ft) but her wings were about half my height. She had white hair and hazel eyes. A pair of white horns with a gold hue grew from her head growing upwards in a curve meeting each other at their tips above her head.

She walked up to me and titled her head confused as she looked at my chest, more percisely the area where my heart is.

Walking closer she touched where she had been staring and still looked confused after a black glow eminated. Her eyes then met mine. Her innocent looking hazel eyes meeting my lifeless and dull hazel eyes.

???:"Wsviv rh blfi hlfo?"

I just stare at her blankly not understanding what she said as she asked me something in a gentle young voice that seemed laced with concern.

Seeming to understand that I didn't understand what she said. She pointed to my chest and the same black glow emminated from it and she titled her head as if asking a question.

Y/n:" their a problem... is it not suppose to glow black?"

She shakes her head and points to the faint white glow coming from the point her horns are connected together.

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