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"No I don't understand what you're saying." I told Claire as I drove down the highway, a little above the speed limit.

"Its just about songs." She said and sighed shaking her head. "You have your brothers music taste. Also you're going twenty above the limit."

"Well I figured if I sped, then I'd remeber the address. Hasn't worked yet." I hummed.

"Then slow down, we're not in a rush then." Claire ordered, sounding kinda like Jody.

"Okay officer." I mocked and I didn't need to look over to tell she was glaring.

I turned my attention to the road and my own thoughts. So I was gonna live in Encino LA, living off of Balthazar's money in a house he gifted me.... What's up with this? What's he have planned?

Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket I took it out and handed it to Claire, "What's it say?"

"Its an address from...money pigeon." Claire said confused.

"Oh that's Balthazar. Where we going?" I asked, "And send the address to Sam and Dean following us."




The door to the passengers side of my car closed and I could hear Claire ask, "So... you really think their's no catch to the Money Pigeon giving you this place?"

"Yeah, this is the address." I nodded staring at the place suprised, before smiling, "Nicer than motels."

"Nicer?" Dean asked as eh whistled. "Its way better than nicer."

"Well  you can all stay out here and admire it, I'm going in." I told him as I grabbed my bag from the trunk and took the keys out my pocket before walking to the front door.

Walkign inside the first thing I noticed was how clean it was, then I looked into the living room and saw a large tv, which was more than fine by me.

"So...you sensing any angel things Cas?" Dean asked and I whirled around to see Dean talking to Castiel.

"No." The angel said looking around, "Though it may be protected by wards."

"Maybe, by chance." I said getting their attention. "You don't tear my house up looking for something thats not here."

"Y/N we're just trying to look out for you." Dean reasoned.

"And I am trying to not have to clean up a mess, and besides if Balthazar has something here he's probably just forgot to take it." I reasoned.

"Which is likely." Castiel stated bluntly.

"I will have you know I have not forgotten anything here." Balthazar stated and we turned to see him in the kitchen. "Well the motorcycle in the garage, but thats just a human thing."

"Anyways to buisness." Balthazar said turning to me. "You really just need to look after and live in this place. It's yours by human legality, don't go recklessly spending the money I gave you, no promises on consistent compensation and... thats it."

"Nothing else?" I asked crossing my arms.

"No, well the neighbors loved me so probably don't give this property a bad reputation." Balthazar hummed.

"Yeah, because you're a real blessing." Dean commented.

"Thanks."  Balthazar smiled and Dean gave him an annoyed look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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