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             This is dedicated to my good friend Beautifultragity35(Emma(nickname)Michaela(real name))

Hey guys my SEA EXAM(the important exam I was telling you about) is finally over! I am sooo happy it's over although I felt like I failed :( Well I promised you two chappies and two chappies is what you shall receive! Please tell me if you like the new cover i fixed it up tell me what you think about it in the comments please and thank you! Chappie 4 below:

Riker's POV:

What. Just. Happened. "What are you? An idiot! What the hell did you do that for?!" I yelled at my stupid brother.

"Me! You're the one thag kissed my girlfr-...I mean ex-girlfriend!" He shouted back at me. "It was a pity kiss," I told him, feeling sorta guilty thst I made Faithy his ex girlfriend.

"A pity kiss?" he said not believing a word I said. "That was a fucking make up session the both of you were having!"

"Dude will you let me explain!" I yelled.

He gave me a look that said I'm listening.

"Faithy came looking for you but saw me, she was about to leave but I saw some cuts on her hand," I started, his eyes widened when he heard cuts. "I asked her what happened and she explained to me that her father said she was a piece of crap and was worthless because she got a F in her report card so she cut herself, I felt sorry for her so I kissed her, she must have been feeling sorry for herself so she kissed back, it meant nothing to me or her." I said in one breath. "Oh my God," he whispered.

"She cuts,I didn't know, I slapped her, I gotta go apoligize to Faithy." Rocky cried dashing to the Williams' residence.

We went upstairs and looked in her and Faith's bedroom but no one was there. I had a feeling I knew where she her bathroom.

"Rock, let's check the bathroom," I muttered but he heard me. "No!" Rocky exclaimed. We olened the bathroom door to see Faithy laying with a blade in her hand, in a pool of her blood. Rocky fell to his knees,"Faithy," he cried,"dont leave me."

I checked her breathing but I got nothing. I looked at Faithy sadly, she's dead. Rocky watched my face then looked at Faithy and broke into tears. He held onto her lifeless body. "R-R-Riker," Rocky stuttered,"Is a dead body suppose to be warm?" he queationed. "No, why." "Because Faithy's warm and I think she is still alive!" Rocky exclaimed joyously.

I called the ambulance and told them the address,"Please hurry up," I told them. "Yes Mr.Lynch." the woman on the line said.

In less than 5 mins. paramedics rushed in the bathroom and placed Faithy on the strethcer(A/N:I think that it's called a stretcher, I'm not to sure).

"Are you her family?" one of the paramedics asked. "No I'm her best friend Riker and that's her boyfriend Rocky." I told him.

"Okay come in the van." he said to us. We entered the van and watched the paramedics do medical stuff on Faithy. In less than a minute, we arrived at the hospital, they rushed Faithy in a room and we sat in the waiting room. I called Mrs.Williams, Faith, Kamaria, Rydel, Ratliff, Ross, Ryland, mom and dad.

"What if she doesn't make it?" Rocky whimpered. "She's a strong girl Rocky, she'll make it, don't worry." "Riker, Rocky.what happened?!" Mrs.Williams asked crying. Mr.Williams followed behind her, my anger built up," You! You made Faithy cut herself! You called her worthless and a piece of crap because she got a F in her report card! You compared her to Faith! You're the worse father ever!"

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