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Mentions of suicide
Mentions of death
Anxiety/panic attacks
Mentions of cheating
Fluff. Lots of fluff.
Agnst. Lots of angst.
Monodenki siblings au.
Please don't read if you're triggered by anything in this chapter.

Denki's P.O.V
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Those were the only words I heard. I layed on my bed contemplating my existence and letting my thoughts circle and consume me. Dunce face. Jamming way. Idiot. Worthless. Mistake. Disappointment. Disgrace. Freak. I heard a knock on my door snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Denki are you okay? We heard crying.” I smiled hearing the voice of my good friend Mina. I wiped my face discarding the evidence of any crying. I walked over and opened the door to my dorm allowing Mina to see my face.
“I’m fine, don't worry about it. I was watching a video of someone crying,” I lied. She smiled at this, seeming satisfied with the answer. She walked away without another word. I kept my smile on until the door shut and I collapsed on my bed allowing my thoughts to take over again. Freak. Mistake. Worthless. Freak. Faggot. I started crying from just the thought of that word. I stood up checking the time.1:20 AM?! I walked into the kitchen carefully to not disturb the slumber of my classmates. I grabbed a few snacks knowing my electricity quirk would not let me sleep.
“Sero ate all of my dang hot cheetos.” I whispered angrily. I walked back to my dorm and played a sad movie. When my alarm went off I got up and got dressed in my uniform and headed to class. I greeted everyone with a smile and everybody seemed concerned about me. Phew i’m off the hook. I thought I was. Midoriya looked at me with concern.
“Denki… did you sleep?” He asked me. I looked surprised. I nodded.
“Mhm! Why do you ask tho?”
“Well I heard somebody in the kitchen and when I went to investigate I saw you and kinda stood outside your door and I heard movies playing all night…” He said worriedly. The entire class looked at me with concern, afraid what Midoryia said was true. My heart sank. I laughed it off playfully, lightly punching him in the arm.
“I do that every night. It helps me fall asleep Midobae.” I laugh hoping he would buy the excuse. Everyone seemed satisfied with the answer minus Midoriya. He just nodded and walked back to his seat. That was way too close. I sat down waiting for our teacher to start the lecture. As our teacher began talking I stared out the window zoning out til I heard somebody call my name.
“DENKI KAMINARI!” My teacher shouts. I jump at the noise and come face to face with my sensei glaring at me with his hair floating.
“Can you answer the question?” He asked. I smile awkwardly knowing this would either end in detention or house arrest.
“Err yeah! Could you repeat the question tho?” I giggled as he sighs. He walked away muttering about how he doesn’t get paid enough. I continue to stare out the window allowing my thoughts to ask me pointless questions I may never get the answer to. Why is warm bread called toast? How big is the ocean?  What is 6/2 {4+[22-(8^2+9)13]-18}?  I sighed knowing I would never get the answer to that question. The bell rings and I head to the rooftop. I sit down on the edge of the building and I watch the animals that fly around our school. Nobody ever came up here. This is one of the only places my terrible thoughts can take over without anybody interrupting. Freak. Loser. Faggot. Faggot. FAGGGOT. I began to scream as I feel myself falling. I start screaming feeling helpless as I fall to my death. As the ground started nearing I heard my friends start questioning the screaming. I heard them shrug it off as my hope falls faster than me. I began crying as the ground was coming closer. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact. As my thoughts take over I smile thinking this would be the best. I hated life and I wanted to leave it. I spread my arms open as I finally allow myself to fall. when I fell into somebody’s arms. I open my eyes to see Bakugou holding me with a worried look and his face pale. He hugged me close, crying. I began crying harder.
“Why, Why Pikachu?” He asked his voice shakily. I sniffed and looked away hoping to not meet his eyes. He gently lifted my face to make me look at him.
“Why?” He asked again, his voice a little more stable this time. I hug him a little tighter as I burst into more tears.
“I’M SO SO SORRY!!” I cried. He took me to his dorm and set me down on his bed. He wrapped his arm around me, playing with my hair. I slowly drifted off to sleep. The heat from his quirk warmed me enough to slowly drift me into slumber. As I fell asleep my thoughts were able to wiggle their way into my mind, corrupting my dreams. Worthless. Mistake. Freak. Dumb. Idiot. Faggot. Faggot. Faggot. FAGGOT.  I started screaming and sparking the bed. I jolt upright panting and shaking. Bakugou sprang up as well, most likely the sparks woke him up. He pulled me into a hug as he tried calming me down.
“Pika, What are four things you hear?”
“Uhm.. Y-your voice, The birds, the bakusquad laughing, and your breathing.” My heart rate slowed to a normal pace.
“What are three things you feel?”
“Uhm y-you, The bed she-ets, and y-your hoodie.” My breathing returned to normal.
“Two things you smell?”
“Dandelions and popcorn.” My eyes quit racing around.
“One thing you taste?” It took me a minute to think of and answer when I realized I bit my cheek so hard it started bleeding.
“Blood.” I stated, feeling calm. He pulled me upright, forcing me to look at him.
“Do you wanna talk about it Pika?” He asked, Worry flooding his eyes. I shake my head as he nods. He hugs me tighter, reassuring me that nothing would hurt me. I smiled feeling safe for the first time in a very long time. I drift back into sleep as I sjove my thoughts out of my head but I had no strength to shove the memory out of my dream as it takes over.
“^*($%^#?” little me asked
“Yes darling?” ^*($%^# answered.
“Why can I shoot sparks out of my hand?”
^*($%^# looked horrified as she stabbed little me with a knife
“FREAK!!” ^*($%^# exclaimed. ^*($%^# ran away in terror of little me harming ^&^*.  I listened to Bakugou's alarm as I feel a hand on my cheek. I open my eyes and I see Bakugou wiping my tears off my face. He smiled softly.
“Nightmare?” He asked kindly. I slightly nod, not wanting to remember that. He grabs my hand and drags me outside.
“Kachaaaan!” I whine not wanting to leave.
“You need to eat. I can feel your ribs.” I looked at the ground. He hugs me, lifting my chin up.
“No more feeling sad k?” He said sternly. I nodd giggling. I jump on his back as he takes me into the kitchen as the other students gape at Bakugou. Students began to whisper about his odd behavior. I brushed off the weird stares as Bakugou does as well.

Bakugou's P.O.V
I look back at Pikachu and smile. I brush off the weird stares as Pika follows.
    “Are they dating?”
    “It’s almost like the Devil and the Angel.”
I almost started fuming at the comments until I looked at Denki and saw his happy expression. I smiled realizing we really were the Devil and the Angel. I started getting flustered when I started realizing they asked if we were dating. It was embarrassing but in my head it didn’t sound entirely too bad. I take my Pika into the kitchen and Racoon Eyes stares at us. I set Denki down and started cooking. Denki started talking with Alien Girl and Weird Arms.
    “Thank you for making breakfast Bakugou.” Four eyes says. I look at Pika then give Class rep a soft smile, shocking the class.
    “No problem Fou-Iida.” I said looking away. Denki smiles satisfied.
“You used his ACTUAL name?!” Raccoon eyes shouts in surprise.
“YEA SO WHAT?!” I ask. She giggles and shrugs. I roll my eyes and continue cooking. Weird hair came over and started talking. I zoned out looking at Denki. The longer I looked at his perfect smile the more I started blushing. I snapped my head over to Weird hair when he tapped my shoulder. I almost screamed when I noticed he didn’t look happy. He pulled me out of the room as Deku took over cooking
    “What the hell?” I asked confused. He crossed his arms as if he was annoyed.
    “Do you like Denki?” He asked seriously. I almost said not til I thought about it and my cheeks flushed.
    “Well?” He snapped impatiently
    “K-kinda.” I said blushing.
    “Oh.” I could hear the disappointment in his voice. As I look over to him. I felt my cheeks heat up more looking at him. I internally face palmed. Which one do I like? Pika or Sharky?”  When I looked back at Denki he was yelling at Tape face and hitting Racoon eyes on the head with a newspaper. I chuckled and smiled. I glanced at sharp tooth and noticed he was blushing and smiling as well.
    “Do YOU like Pika?” I asked a hint of jealousy in my voice
    “Answer the question.”
    “Well, I like him and you…” He trailed off. I was surprised that my boyfriend had two crushes but even more surprised that I felt the same way.
    “S-same..” We both stared at each other in shock. We looked back at Denki and watched him smiling. Eventually he looked over at us and waved, giving us his sunny smile before getting wacked in the face with a pillow from weird ears. We both burst out laughing before getting hit with a pillow ourselves. We looked up and saw Denki at the door.
    “Oh it’s on!” We both ran at him hitting people with pillows.

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