Pokémon: Mystery Outpost (Pokémon mystery dungeon X The Thing fanfic)

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Mac was playing his video game from his hut.

"Cheating bitch." He said as he threw his beer into the computer.

Mac's Incineroar was in his Pokeball.

He threw it up and down mindlessly.

Until he heard screaming.

He quickly got out of his hunt.

An unknown man started to yell.

The unknown man's silvally attacked George.

"Luxray! Use Thunder Fang!" Garry screamed.

Luxray swiftly attacked the silvally.

Luxray's attack also hit the man.

Garry, George, Palmer, Dr. Copper, and Windows ran up to him.

"Do you think- He's- You know?" Windows asked.

"Yes, I believe so." Dr. Copper told the younger man.

"What's going on?" Mac yelped.

"No time to explain!" Palmer yelled.

All the men went inside.

"What happened?" Norris asked.

"George was hurt by somebody's Pokémon," Garry said.

"Do we know whose Pokémon it is?"

"We don't know. Ow!" George said.

"He sounded like he was from Norway," Windows said.

"Maybe we're at war with Norway?" Nauls suggested.

"No, I don't think so," Copper said.

Copper let his Pokémon, alrcremie, out from his Pokémon ball.

"Alrcremie? Could you grab my medicine kit?" He asked.

The Pokémon nodded and ran off.

"I'm worried about the Norway camp, Mac," Copper said.

"Why? It isn't your problem." Mac told him.

"Yeah, but as my job as a doctor, it's my responsibility to take care of everyone I can. I want to go there."

"When?" Mac asked.

Alrcremie walked back with the medicine kit.

"When I'm done patching up George." He said.

"Alright." He said.

When Copper was done he put Alrcreamie back into his Pokémon ball.

"I'm ready." He said.

"Be careful," Garry told the two.

"Don't worry about it, me and Snivy will get you there in no time!" Palmer claimed.

"No, no, no Mac got it," Copper said.

The two got dressed in their winter coats.

Mac made sure he had his Pokémon, Incineroar.

The two walked and climbed into the helicopter.

So enough they were up in the air.

They found themselves at the Norway camp.

"Come on, Let's go inside," Copper said.

The two let their Pokémon out.

Copper and Alrcremie went inside.

Soon enough loud screaming could be heard from both of them.

"Get ready to use flamethrower on whatever is in there!" Mac told his Incineroar.

Pokémon:  Mystery Outpost (Pokémon mystery dungeon X The Thing fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now