Prologue Cheaters Caught and Into a New world

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3rd POV

Kuoh Japan a city where many residents of the supernatural reside from plain view of humanity

But every so often a human discovers the supernatural world

And that very human just so happens to be a strong human by supernatural standards

The human is Y/N L/N a kuoh academy student who helps others out with no rewards needed from helping out

Y/N is seen walking through the academy trying to find his five girlfriends of whom are named Xenovia,Ravel,Yubelluna,Katase and Aika respectively which he is having trouble locating

"Where are they I doubt that they would miss our date for nothing..." Y/N says out loud as he walks the academy grounds as it is after school hours

Suddenly a few sets of footsteps can be heard approaching Y/N

"Hey Y/N wait up!" A voice calls out

Turning his head to the voice Y/N sees his friend Vali along with Sona Rias and Akeno

"Sup Vali what are you doing here with the three queens of the academy?" Y/N asks his friend

"Turns out the three queens have a inkling one may say of where your so called lovers are" Vali says to Y/N

"Is this true?" Y/N says to Sona Rias and Akeno

"Yes while Akeno and I was doing our daily super natural work we happened to over hear Xenovia talk about meeting at the academy pool" Rias says

"I over heard Saji say something similar to what rias just said" Sona says

"If what your saying is true then I'm being betrayed behind my back and saji is one of the perpetrators that is seeing one of my girlfriends without either mine or Sona's consent on the matter" Y/N says

"Issei is also missing as well but we all knew he would do anything for some" Akeno says

"Vali how you have him as a rival is beyond me dude" Y/N says to Vali as the five walk the academy grounds

"I know all that dumbass wants to do is see tits and ass not even wanting to train to give me and Albion a good fight" Vali says

"Seriously though if I was the red dragon emperor I would train my ass off to atleast give my rival the fight of their life when the chosen time arrived" Y/N says

Soon the five arrive at the academy pool which just as the five arrive Vali halts Y/N from taking another step

"Val-" Y/N trys to say before Vali shhs him

"What's going on?" Y/N whispers

"We are hearing something that would break your heart Y/N" Sona whispers

"Albion is it possible to temporarily allow Y/N to use the enhanced hearing of a dragon just for this moment?" Vali whispers to Albion

"You can but it will only be for 10 seconds after that his hearing will return to normal and to start place your hand on his shoulder" Albion whispers to Vali

Vali placed a hand on Y/Ns Shoulder which magic begins to flow into Y/N increasing his hearing

Suddenly Y/N is able to hear what Vali Sona Akeno and Rias are hearing

"Oh Yes!~ Oh this feels fucking amazing!!" A Voice says in pleasure

"9" Albion quietly shouts

"Man who knew we would be able to pound these hotties of that weakling Y/N" another voice says with no remorse what's so ever

Cheater DxD x Male reader x DBZ/S (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now