Chapter 3 A New Emperor and Sparring with the prince

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3rd POV

Within the training chambers at capsule Corp the sounds of punches can be heard connecting over and over

"HAAAAA!!" Y/N shouts as his fist connects to Vegeta's face which Vegeta returns the punch to Y/Ns Face

The two continue to trade punches as Vegeta wants to see where Y/N stands in strength

Basically how the two are sparring but both are in the training room at capsule Corp and are in their normal forms and they are on the ground in the training room also Replace Goku with Y/N

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Basically how the two are sparring but both are in the training room at capsule Corp and are in their normal forms and they are on the ground in the training room also Replace Goku with Y/N

As the two spar Trunks is in awe at what he is witnessing happen in front of him

"Holy crap they look like they've been rivals for a long time!" Trunks thought to himself

Y/N catches Vegeta's fist before gripping his right fist and punching Vegeta in the gut before elbowing his face

Meanwhile with the ten and Mr I mean Lord Popo

"Where are we?" Katase asks

"You are in your new home where you will spend the rest of your life's at" Popo says

Riser gets angry and conjures a fireball

"Riser demands you let us go now!" Riser shouts

Popo just silently stares at Riser before disappearing

"Where did he g-" is all Saji could say before he and the rest hear riser scream in pain

"Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! My arm! You bastard!" Riser shouts holding what used to be his left arm

"Holy shit! We're doomed!" Aika yells

"Now anymore disrespect will cause each of you to receive the same fate as him *points to Riser* " Popo says

Over with those in Kuoh

"So rias how will you explain to riser and ravel's parents on what happened?" Sona asks her friend

"I'm not sure but they are not the only ones we need to tell the truth about" Rias responds to her friends question

"Rias is right we also need to inform the parents of Issei Aika Katase as well as the siblings of Saji" Akeno says

"The siblings part is what's gonna tear my heart strings apart... I can't stand to see poor innocent children alone and lost without anyone to guide them" Tsubaki says

"Besides informing those of who was said a moment ago we also need to determine how to get our pawn pieces as well as your knight piece back from Issei Saji and Xenovia respectively" Sona says

"I agree but we have no clue on where this popo fella has taken them to" Akeno says

"Couldn't you just teleport to them since they are still in the peerage lady rias lady sona?" Kiba asks

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