Chapter 19 ( Missed you ?)

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Author's POV :
Doctor shares the news of Roja regaining her consciousness . Deepa is overjoyed to hear the news and head to the ward directly. Deepa directly hugs and starts to cry . Roja consoles her . But her eyes was searching for someone . Of course it was for Arjun . Suddenly she remembers about the stabbing attempt on Arjun . She wakes up and starts weeping.....
   Deepa , where is Arjun ? . Is he fine ? . I hope nothing happened to my Arjun .
Deepa though shocked with her behavior she consoled her and made her lay down on bed . Roja starts crying desperately , suddenly someone opens the ward's door , Roja looks and it turns out to be Arjun . Deepa goes out to give them some space .

Roja's POV :
Glad that nothing happened to my Arjun , but what surprises me was there were tear drops dried on his cheeks . Did he cry for me ? . I tried to get up , but he came next to me and made me lay down......  
      Take rest , don't strain yourself .
Saying these words , he sat next to me . He started the conversation.......
   Why did you do this for me ? .
What ? .  I replied.....
Am I so important for you that you even forgot that there is a life for you ? . Why did you try to save me from getting stabbed ? . I don't care about my life and I have no hopes on his life.......
There was a thud ! . He kept his hand on his cheek , of course I slapped him . How can he say he has no hope on his life ? . I gave an emotional burst out......
   How dare you say you have no hopes on your life ? . Your parents , Your in laws , Deepa , Grandma , Sumathi aunty , Naveen , Varun , Bhoomika and me , who thinks you are my everything . By the way , you are not only successful in earning so much love and care from your family and friends , you are a successful businessman and have earned immense respect from people and most of the entrepreneurs . Don't you ever speak like this once again .

Arjun's POV :
Though I was shocked with such a  behavior of Roja , what she did was right . Just because I lost the girl whom I saw during my high school , doesn't mean my life is ended there . I need to overcome it . She might have been married or she might love someone like Roja loves me .

Author's POV :
After a day , Roja was discharged . Meanwhile Arjun's parents were back home . They were emotional and Kalpana cared for her like her mother . Arjun took Roja to her room . She sat on the bed at one angle , Arjun sat just before her . He was checking the tablets and gave her .  He got her food and fed her which slightly surprised her . Just then......
  Roja : Can I ask you something ? .
Arjun : Yeah .
Roja : Did you have your meals since I was admitted in the hospital ? .
Arjun looked down and replied.....
Yeah , why not ? . I had my meals at the right time .
Roja : Then why are you looking so tired ? . Didn't you sleep properly ? .
Arjun again looked down and spoke...
Arjun : Hey , no actually I slept well . I am fine .
Roja : Do you think I can't understand you ? . What happened , why are you sad ? .
Arjun : Actually......hmmmmm......I was.......
Roja : Why are you stammering ? .
Arjun : Actually , to be honest , I was first time scared in my life .
Roja gave a clueless reaction and asked him....
Roja : Why ? . As far as I know you aren't scared of anything .
Arjun : Yeah , but I.....I......missed you .
Roja was stunned with his reply . She looked at him , who was looking down and slightly smiling  . She unknowingly blushed a little . It was night , Roja went to sleep on the couch , that's when Arjun approached her . She was arranging the couch , Arjun went near her and scratched his neck since he did not how to call her , like using her name , or as some pet name . He held her hand , she looked at him surprisingly .
Roja : What happened ? . Didn't you go to sleep ? .
Arjun : You took the tablets ? .
Roja : Yeah . Now go to sleep . Good night .
Arjun : You too sleep on the bed .
Roja : No thanks , I shall sleep on the couch itself .
Arjun : Look , in the intention of saving my life you forgot about yours . Saving your life is my responsibility . So sleep on the bed .
Saying so , he held her hand and made her sleep on the bed . She just slept on the bed . It was morning , the birds were chirping out of their room , the swimming pool water was looking fresh . Roja woke up her eyes . She saw an arm on her waist . She looked at Arjun who had cuddled her . She took his hand and that's when he opened his eyes . He looked at her expressionless . She asked him........
Roja : Why did you cuddle me ? .
Arjun : I did this wantedly .
Roja was startled .
Roja : Why ? .
Arjun : For your safety .
Roja : I can't understand , what are you trying to stay ? .
Arjun : When I am next to you , they can try to harm you , but when you are in my embrace , no one can dare to harm you . That's why . Only for somedays .
Saying so , he slightly smiled and left to the washroom . Roja too freshened up and both of them left for their respective offices . Arjun at first told Roja to take rest for somedays , but she convinced him . He agreed , but on a condition of dropping her in her company for a week . She too anticipated . So both of them were driving . Roja started the conversation......
Roja : I want to talk to you .
Arjun : Speak up .
Roja : We have to find out who tried to stab you .
Arjun : Yeah . I am not going to spare the person who injured your wrist . But we don't need to find , I already know who is behind all these .
Roja was shocked.......
Roja : Seriously , do you know who is behind all these ? .
Arjun : Yes ..
Roja : Who is it ? .
Arjun : Sham , my enemy .
Roja thought it was a familiar name . She suddenly realized it was the same Sham who made Arjun hate her . Roja asked.....
Roja : Is he the same Sham , who was in our college ? .
Arjun : Exactly .

    What happens next in Rojun's life ?

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