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I’m performing for an audience today.

It’s been over two years since my dad’s funeral. It took me that long to heal and to fight. I often despaired that I’d never make it.

But here I am, behind the stage.

The crowd is small, only fifty people, but I’m so nervous there might as well be thousands out there. These are my people, though, the select few who came from all corners of the country (some farther) to hear me. They are honoring me with the precious gift of their time. As much as I battled through these pieces for myself, I also battled for them. I treasure this small group of people who understands me.

I hope my art makes them feel. I hope it makes them think. I hope it has an impact.

I get the signal that it’s time, and I swallow my nerves and carry my violin onto the stage.

The lights are bright, and I don’t let myself look up at them. There, in the front row, is my honey, Lisa. She’s beaming at me, holding a bouquet of red roses in her lap, and I’m so overwhelmed with love for her that I feel like my chest is going to burst open. Next to her is my mom. She’s wearing an evening gown and her finest jewelry and proudly sitting with a group of her posh friends. On Lisa’s other side are two faces that I’ve never seen in real life, but I recognize them right away. Roseanne and Jisoo, my good friends who tried to be there for me and didn’t fault me for disappearing when my life got too hard. I’m excited to go out to dinner with them after this performance.

This group is small, but it’s good. It’s all that I need.

Feeling emotional and very much alive, I lift my violin to my chin, and I set my bow upon the strings.

I play.


HEAL YOU | JENLISATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon