Emma's P.O.V.
I knew as soon as he stepped on the stage all the girls would go crazy. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, well my name is Emma Barkley I am 16 and I am here at the x-factor with my best friend Harry Styles. Harry and I have been best friends since we were in dippers. I really don't know how we became friends, I guess it just happened. Any way Harry is auditioning for x-factor and let me tell you he is really good, now I am not just saying this because he is my best friend(maybe a little bit).
He made it! Let me tell you this, I was so scared that Simon would say no, but he said yess.
"I made it Emma, can you believe it, I actually made it" he was yelling.
"I know I am so happy for you"
Then I realized he was going to be leaving me. I mean we aren't together or anything , but I am going to miss him.
" How long are you going to be gone"
" Trust me, it wont be long, I will text and call you every day when I get the chance" he says.
Couple of days later
"I guess this is it, your really going"
"Yeah but don't worry I'll call you all the time so it would be like I am still here"
And with that my best friend left. Off to go and live his dreams.
That Night 10:00 P.M.
Still no call from him. "Maybe he forgot about me" I thought. No he is probably got tired so he is sleeping, yeah he is sleeping.
Harry's P.O.V.
Ughh I am so glad I got out of that stupid town and I wont miss it at all. I will miss Emma though, we have been best friends forever and that will never change.
"Hey wanna go to the welcoming party" a guy named Alex asked.
"Yeah, but I am going to leave my phone here to charge."
Emma's P.O.V.
I called two times and he didn't even pick up. I mean he has only been there for a couple of hours and he has already changed. I knew this was a bad idea, I am never talking to him again. Maybe I should try one more time, yeah one more time then I am never talking to him.
I am sorry the number you have reached has ben disconnected...... goodbye