[[^Dark Cacao Cookie x Fem! Reader^]]

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(Ok, so I have to create this page, bc yes. Alright well, Enjoy reading!)

You were having dinner with your own parents . You are 18 years old, and you liked your family. "Did you enjoy dinner, sweetie?" Y/N's father asked. "Yes, father!", You replied. You ran upstairs to go to bed. You grabbed out of your phone, and you played Cookie Run Kingdom. You really liked this game for a long time. One of your favorite cookie character is Dark Cacao Cookie. He is an Ancient Cookie who is playable since February 24, 2022. You stopped playing on your Phone, and fall asleep.


You woke up, and looked at your hands. You were in shocked, and you ran into an bathroom. You have become an Cookie! "This isn't happening!..." You said to yourself. You tried to wake yourself up, but it won't work. You cried a lot, since you turned into an Cookie.

———3 hours later...———

You ran outside, crying all the times. You saw an strange kingdom with chocolate bricks and gates of it. This place seems called... Dark Cacao Kingdom. You stopped crying, and started to become very curious. You started to walk to there. You saw some guards, guarding the gate. "E-Excuse me?" You asked. The guards started to look at you, and getting confused. "Who do you think you are, girl?", the guard replied and asked. "I have may kinda lost... but can I come visit here?", you replied. The guards let you go inside of a  Dark Cacao Kingdom. You walked inside, and getting curious. "Hey you!" A Cookie with an caramel-like hair called out to you. "Huh?". "Are you lost or something?", she asked. "Y-Yes, Ma'am...", you replied. "I'm sorry about that, little girl.". You looked at her, and started to get super curious. "Who are you by the way?", you asked. "I am Caramel Arrow Cookie.", she answered. "What's yours?". "I-I'm Y/N...", you replied. "It is very nice to meet you, Y/N.", she said. "Y-You too!...", you replied. "Follow me, you should meet the king.", she said. "W-Who is a king?", you asked. "His name is Dark Cacao Cookie.", she answered. You have heard about Dark Cacao Cookie, since you played Cookie Run Kingdom. "Dark Cacao Cookie?", you replied. "Yes. He is an king of this kingdom.", Caramel Arrow Cookie said. You and Caramel Arrow Cookie walked inside of a castle.

———Time skip. Y/N POV———

"Okay well, enjoy meeting the king!", Caramel Arrow Cookie said, and she left. You started to get nervous, and you saw Dark Cacao Cookie. "H-Hello?", you answered. Dark Cacao Cookie turned, and looked at you. "Ah... I see that you have arrived.", he said. "Yeah, I have arrived, why would you asked?", she asked. "Oh, it's nothing.", he answered. He walked up to you. You started to get very shy, or nervous. "Theres no need to be shy, girl.", he said. "O-Ok...", you replied. He grabbed your hand, and takes you to his throne room. You blushed abit. "So... what is your name, by the way?", he asked. "I'm Y/N...", she answered. He chuckled at you, abit. "You are the most beautiful cookie I have ever seen.". "R-Really? T-Thank you!...", you replied. You blushed at him, very cutely. He chuckled again at you. He kissed your cheek. You blushed alot, and covered your face. He smiled at you, giggling. You stopped blushing and covering your face. "Hey, Y/N? I have something to say that it is important...", He asked. "What is it?", you replied. "I love you.". You were in shock, blushing alot. "I... I like you too!...". He gets closer to you, and kissed you on the lips. You got shocked again, blushing alot. You kissed back.

(Alright, this is the end of this page. There will be more of cookie run kingdom x reader pages for now. Have a blessed day!)

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