[[^Pitaya Dragon Cookie x Shy! Fem! Reader^]]

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Hello people. Been a long time. Let's pretend that Pitaya's male, bc I know that Pitaya's genderless. Enjoy.


Your POV

I'm was with Hollyberry Cookie, since both of us have met in the long time. We're old friends of all times, even tho she's a Queen of Hollyberry Kingdom.

 We're old friends of all times, even tho she's a Queen of Hollyberry Kingdom

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"So, How is your day going?", Hollyberry Cookie asked. "Oh Uhh... well... everything looks... uhh... f-fine.", I answered. I'm was a nervous cookie of all times. Literally. "That's good to hear!", Hollyberry Cookie replied. She pulls out the glass of berry juice, and offers it to me. "Want some berry juice?", Hollyberry Cookie asked, again. "N-No thanks, Hollyberry Cookie. I-I'm good for now.", I answered. "Well, more for me!". She drank a whole glass of berry juice, and after that, the glass of cup was now empty. "I'll get going now. B-Bye.", I said, when I leave. "Good luck, Y/N!", Hollyberry Cookie replied.

When I arrived somewhere else... I found some hot place that has lava and yet... there was a cave and a volcano. The clouds were gray, as usual. I started to get confused of what's going on. Suddenly, I see some cookie with wings, long hair, and a tail.

 Suddenly, I see some cookie with wings, long hair, and a tail

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Then, the voice spoke to me. "Well hello there, puny cookie.". I started to get very shy and nervous. I'm was nervous around new people, and sometimes... old people. "Uhh... h-hi?", I replied. The cookie spoke again, "What are YOU doing out here?". He was asking a question, and then I answered: "Well... I'm was just confused about this place, and I don't know what happened...". "Confused, huh?", He asked. The cookie creature revealed itself. It was... a dragon cookie? I've never seen such different cookie species before, but it's my first time seeing that cookie. I nodded, and He asked again. "You have ssshy problemsss, huh?". "Well, y-yeah... I have shy problems... I'm was too nervous around new people, and sometimes old people.", I answered. The dragon cookie replied: "Hmm... I sssee. I undersstand your explanation you had.". "Who exactly are you, by the way?", I asked. "My name isss Pitaya Dragon Cookie. The legendary Red Dragon that you haven't ssseen.", he answered. "Legendary Red... Dragon?", I replied, in confusion. "Yesss.", He answered, again. "What about you? Do you have an name?", he asked. "M-My name is... Y-Y/N... I'm just an curious cookie, like others, y'know.", I answered. "Y/N?... Hmm... what an beautiful name you have.", he replied, in the romantic way. I blushed, alittle bit, and I smiled.

 I blushed, alittle bit, and I smiled

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"Why t-thank you...", I thanked him. Suddenly, he kissed me in the forehead, and my face went red, like a tomato as usual. (I HAD TO, SORRY! 🤣)

Pitaya chuckled, when I turned into a tomato. "Looksss like you're a tomato now~", he said, in the romantic way again. I covered my face of the embarrassment. I spoke in my mind. "This is soo embarrassing...". I started to run away, for some reasons. Pitaya Dragon Cookie chuckled, again.

I'm in... love?

(That's all of this story, people! Have a blessed day! 💙)

Cookie Run Kingdom X Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now