[[^Captain Caviar Cookie x Shy! Reader^]]

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(Ok, I have to make this bc why not, anyways, Enjoy reading!)

You were an citizen of this island, an city town. You walked around in the streets, but you saw an dock. It was all ships and boats. You started to be very curious and walked up to them. "Why, hello there, little fella!", a cookie with an coat called out. "Huh? Who are you?", you asked. "I am Captain Caviar Cookie!", he answered. "I... I'm Y/N...", you replied. "Well, Y/N... if you would like to join the crew, well you are in luck! Welcome aboard!", he said. You walked up to an ship, shyly. Captain Caviar Cookie started to look at you. "Hey uh... would you like to come to my room really quick?", he questioned. "Umm... s-sure...", you answered. You followed Captain Caviar Cookie to his room. You sat on his bed, next to Captain Caviar Cookie. "Hey uhh... I have something important to say...", he said. "What is it?", you replied, getting alittle curious. "I like you.", he answered. You blushed, and smiled. He kissed your cheek. "Captain! We have a situation here!", a cookie yelled out and run back to outside. You followed the cookie and Captain Caviar Cookie followed you as well. You saw an big storm and big waves coming. You hugged Captain Caviar Cookie, getting really scared, because you hate storms. He hugged you back. A giant mermaid-like cookie rises of the ocean. She started to look at you. "Ohhh? What is this little girl?~", she asked. "Back away from her, you evil being!", Captain Caviar Cookie yelled out. She growled, angrily. A mermaid cookie started to grab you. "Ah! Help!", you called for help to Captain Caviar Cookie. He jumps to you, and saved you from that mermaid cookie. "Back off!", he yelled out. He carried you, in bride style. You blushed, but you were getting scared, because of a black mermaid cookie. She swam away from the ocean. The sky and the waves were clear. Everyone is now safe! "T-Thank you for saving me!...", you said to Captain Caviar Cookie. "You're welcome, dear.", he replied. You shocked, as you heard the word "dear", and you began to blush. He pulled you, and kissed you on the lips. You were shocked, once again, and blushing alot.

(That was kinda of short, but that's ok. Hope you guys like this! Have a blessed day!)

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