6:00am. Morning time inside Dr. Nimrod's sanctuary, now called in his Norwegian Language: Helvete og Blod [Hell's Bloodbath]. The minions of Doctor Forman Nimrod are preparing for the Morning Communion and possible plan to obtain the main source for the BioWeapon so they can prepare for the main attack. The minions, called Helvetehunder [Hellhounds], are standing in a form of a nonagram, surrounding an altar with the flag of Norway positioned like a cross being inverted, and a assortment of base acids and raw meat, awaiting the arrival of their servant and possible Lord of Darkness. The gong rings for the last six times, signaling the entrance of the Demonic Mad Scientist. The main servants for Dr. Nimrod, wearing the druid-style clothing and holding Flaming Scepters, begin their walk towards the altar while the six other participants hold the bench carrying Dr. Nimrod, draped in a satanic-style priest suit, sitting on his throne, preparing to talk to his followers. Nimrod finally reaches to the altar and steps down on his bench to prepare for the communion ceremony. Without hesitation, Nimrod prepares to begin his speech. Remember, he solely speaks Norwegian.
"En god mørk morgen til dere alle, mine udødelige helvete hunder. Og til alle de mektige guder nihilisme. Og til det mektige gud av Skandinavia. Alle hagl Odin!"
Translation: A good dark morning to you all, my immortal hellhounds. And to all of the mighty gods of nihilism. And to the mighty god of Scandinavia. All hail Odin!
All of the minions began chanting "All Hail Odin!" as a sign that they all want to serve the Viking Lord Odin, who was known as a god to Norse Paganism. Nimrod immediately silences the crowd and begins the ceremony with a declaration.
"Allmektig helvete hunder av Ragnarok, har jeg kommet før dere alle til Helvete og Blod å forberede en erklæring av episke proporsjoner. Som du kanskje vet, hadde jeg en drøm om demonisk natur om å tørke ut hele jorden og erstattet med en milits-stil diktatur hvor alle mennesker må bli en soldat som forplikter seg til ikke å praktisere en sann religion, ikke å godkjenne hjelpeorganisasjoner til spesielle programmer, og ikke overholder lover regjeringen. Jeg har drømt om dette lenge, men det er et hinder vi må fjerne for å gjøre denne militsen-stil utopi en realitet. Plakaten vil besvare min forkynnelse. De er verdens største skapningene noensinne å sette foten på jorden. Disse er drittsekker som brutalt myrdet min far, Dr. Nimnul. Redningspatruljen!"
Translation: Almighty Hellhounds of Ragnarok, I have come before you all to Hell's Bloodbath to prepare for a declaration of epic proportions. As you may know, I had a dream of demonic nature about wiping out the entire earth and replacing with a militia-style dictatorship where all people must become a soldier who pledges not to practice a true religion, not to endorse charities to special programs, and not adhere to the laws of the government. I have dreamed about this for a long time, but there's an obstacle we need to eliminate in order to make this militia-style utopia a reality. This poster will answer my proclamation. They're the world's greatest creatures ever to set foot on Earth. These are the fuckers that brutally murdered my father, Dr. Nimnul. Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers!
Then, with a matter of seconds, the minions began to chant "Død til bra! Død til Redningspatruljen!," which translates to "Death to the good! Death to the Rescue Rangers!" Dr. Nimrod begins to possess a grainy but demonic smile on his face as his minions are willing to risk their lives so they can annihilate the Rescue Rangers. Continuing his declaration, Nimrod added this vile statement:
"Nå, hvis vi ønsker å gjøre oss selv krigere til det mektige Odin, har vi fysisk å lage et av medlemmene av teamet blitt en av oss. Disse idiotene er små, og de kan unngå fienden uten skade. Men de hadde dårlig skader i det siste, med min fars undersåtter, men de aldri ga opp kampen. Hvis det er et dyr som faktisk kan fysisk angrepet en av de idiotene, så vil det bli mulig ... en flaggermus!"
Translation: Now, if we want to make ourselves warriors to the mighty Odin, we have to brainwash one of the members of the team. However, these idiots are small and they can evade the enemy without harm. But they had bad injuries in the past with my father's minions, but they never gave up the fight. If there is one animal that can actually brainwash one of those idiots, then it will be possibly...A bat!
He catches a flying bat that was trying to grab the raw piece of meat, and, to his sinister bravado, smacks the bat senselessly on the head, resulting in the poor guy's death. Many of his minions were thinking that he was going to eat him, but to their surprise, Nimrod did not. He then finally said:
"Ja. Flaggermus. Og jeg vet hvem vi kan bruke for å få vedkommende til side hos oss. God. Helvete hunder, starter vi vår krigserklæring mot laget av stjele den kvinnelige flaggermus og etter å finne kilden til Bio Weapon, starter vi vår angrep umiddelbart. Når de er døde, skal Odin vekke fra graven."
Translation: Yes. A bat. And I know who we can use to get that person to side with us. So be it. Hellhounds, we will start our declaration of war against the team by kidnapping the female bat and after finding the source of the Bio Weapon, we will start our attack immediately. Once they are dead, Odin will awaken from his grave.
Finally, he finishes the ritual by dipping the piece of raw meat, this time in a base of Iodine, Phosphorus, and Fermium, appeasing to the lords of Nihilism, and ate it. Then, all of his minions continue shouting "Alle hgal Odin" and "Død til bra! Død til Redningspatruljen!" as their morning begins to start in demonic fashion. However, on the other side, morning begins perfectly for the Rescue Rangers, on account of an unbelievable night towards two couples, old and new. However, right now, they have a pretty nasty task to handle near the HeadStead: Beehives. Summertime can be a pain for the homestead of the Rangers because bees can tend to make their hives to produce honey, and when there's honey, there's the god-forsaken bees waiting to attack the enemy. But for Dale, who is an expert in getting rid of beehives, solely wants the honey to make some adjustments for his Hazelstrom concoction. He got one of those siphon filters with a jar, and said:
"Okay, you pesky little bastards, let's see how you can attack me with your fuckin' pricks!"
Then, he got all of the honey out carefully and headed straight down and back inside. Foxxy did the honors in taking out that beehive and discarding it, along with the enemy bees waiting for the attack. Monterrey, who has been singing the Matilda's Waltz for a while since his abstinence streak broke thanks to his love-making session with his new girlfriend Gadget, began making breakfast consisting of Belgian Waffles, Banana Pancakes, Poached Chicken and Turkey Eggs, and Orange Wakeup Calls (Smoothies with a Carrot Liqueur spike). Gadget, on the other hand, decided to spruce up on some updates on the vehicles and weaponry but it won't take too long since her hard work had paid off after spilling the dark secret to Monterrey and finally relaxing after three years of total hell of not telling Chip the hidden truth about the rape. Speaking of which, what was going on with Chip? Chip has been sound asleep right after the rest of the Rangers woke up because of last night's crazy session where he had that über wild dream where he dreamt that he had sex with his best friend Dale and he moaned loud like it was no fucking tomorrow, nearly shattering the windows in the process. But, he left quite a crazy mess because the Hazelstrom syrup that Dale gave to Chip as a present not only gained a bigger manhood, he splurged his white liquid all around the room, now in a liquid state. Chip knew after his session that he had a dream of homosexual nature, but as of this point, he is not ready to admit his unabashed dream to the team or Dale. He finally woke up; gaining the energy he needed to start the day off pretty well. Rubbing his cute eyes and his chocolate-chip nose to gain a head start, he then notices all of the white liquid that he spewed last night. Blushing in shame, he said to himself:
"Oh, son of a fucking bitch! What have I done to this room?! Oh, Gadget is going to fucking kill me if she finds out the stains on the walls and ceilings! I have got to clean up this gunk of a mess!"
Chip remembers that before the end of his relationship with Gadget, the room was considered a spare if Gadget needed some time off to think about their relationship. But since Chip stained the room with his white liquid, he has to get his ass going and clean the room. Without hesitation, he immediately went straight to the storage room and got all of the cleaning materials and quickly got into gear with the cleaning process so Gadget won't notice the stains on the walls and ceilings. While that was happening, Gadget immediately got out of the workshop, full energy and without all of the mechanical items that dirtied her body, and prepares to get something good in her stomach and hopefully be around the man of her dreams, Monterrey Jack. However, just as she was about to eat, Gadget starts to figure out where Chip is and said to everyone:
"Hey, everyone. I hate to ponder, but do you know the whereabouts of Chip? I usually see him up early and getting things done in advance. Is he still asleep? This is the first time he slept a little later. It's getting closer to nine in the morning."
"Beats me, Gadget," said Dale as he puts the honey he extracted from a beehive into a special container and to the fridge. "However, if memory serves me right, all I can think of is hearing an unusual scream by Chip after Foxxy and I went to sleep."
"A Scream?" said Gadget. "No, I didn't hear any screams. He wasn't in pain or crying for me. Unless...he may had a nocturnal emission last night."
"Oh, Gadget, mi'luv," said Jack, "That is a tad bit TMI."
"Well, I heard it," said Dale. "He must've had a very strong nocturnal emission, so it's one reason why he is sleeping well. When you whack off and splurge, you get a better night's sleep. But, now what is he up to?"
Then, they found the answer in the hallway. Chip has been going back and forth getting the cleaning supplies, then getting the bed sheets into the washroom, and because his cherished jacket became the prime target of his liquid last night, he has to wash it as well and it leaves him without any clothes to wear. Gadget then said:
"Goodness. Is he naked? It looks like he finally decided to wash his jacket after I don't know how many years without going for a wash."
"Looks like it," said Dale. "Remember, he never had any clothes near his side but only his jacket. He will not resort into wearing his former wrestling suit since the years of his amateur wrestling years. But you know, I have nearly thirty pairs of tanks and shorts I have never worn when we were in our old Homestead. They're still clean and I know where Chip can get it."
"No need, Dale," said Chip from the Washroom as he finally got his wish. After cleaning up the room vigorously and without being tired, he came out to the Dining Room with a Black Muscle shirt and Blue Shorts. Everyone dropped their jaws in shock and wow as the Muscle shirt fits perfectly on Chip's upper body that shows more of his heart-shaped-style chest full of muscles. Dale immediately commented Chip and said:
"Son of a bitch. He looks awesome."
Everyone agreed and to everyone's surprise, he never went by and snubbed Gadget straight to her face nor gave her dirty look. He took a seat to get some breakfast. Monty felt a sigh of relief that he never said anything badly about him starting a relationship with Gadget. Dale, who is confident that Chip has snapped out of his cockeyed bastard attitude, decided that it was time for him to go with the Surfboard Training and Challenge for his best friend Chip, or as he calls him by a plural word "Chips." However, back at Hell's Bloodbath, the enemy's homestead, Nimrod was working up on an invention that he will test in order to begin his declaration of war against the Rescue Rangers, or Redningspatruljen as he calls it in his native tongue. The possible scare factor for the Rangers that Nimrod was studying about was indeed severe weather. What Nimrod was thinking to himself was hurricanes and tornadoes. And that got him an idea. He said:
"Hmm. Orkaner og tornadoer. Det høres ut som en god idé. Men for å skape en så demonisk storm, jeg trenger en slags kilde som vil utløse stormen. Hmm. Vent nå litt. Isolasjon. Ja. Det er den ekstreme varmen som er den vesentlige årsaken til orkaner eller verre. Så jeg trenger å putte i en bjelke med ekstrem varme og skyte som drittsekk mot himmelen, som utgjør en dødelig orkan som El Niño. Hehehe. Så det så være."
Translation: Hmm. Hurricanes and Tornadoes. That sounds like a great idea. However, in order to create such a demonic storm, I need a type of source which will trigger the storm. Hmm. Wait a minute. Insulation. Yeah. It's extreme heat that is the significant cause of hurricanes or worse. So I need to put in a beam with extreme heat and shoot that son of a bitch to the sky, making a deadly hurricane like El Nino. Hehehe. Then so be it.
Within moments, he begins to take out one of his old machines, decided to disassemble them and put it in the new machine. He simply calls his machine "Lynholde" (Thunder Hammer). He then grabs an insane amount of Mercury and put it in a huge container in order to have the beam infuse the mercury to produce the insane heat amount for a brutal storm.
"Flott. Oppfinnelsen er fullført. Nå er det bare et spørsmål om tid til å forberede seg til farlige orkaner. Som jeg gjorde for mine Morgen nattverd, vil jeg vente til seks om kvelden for å forberede seg til orkan. Så snart vi kan ta den kvinnelige flaggermus og deretter ... helvete vil bryte løs."
Translation: Great. The invention is completed. Now, it's only a matter of time to prepare for the dangerous hurricane. Like I did for my Morning Communion, I will have to wait till six o'clock in the evening to prepare for the hurricane. Then, soon, we can capture the female bat and then...all hell will break loose.
[Palm Beach, Florida: Shining Sand Beach, 5:00pm]
It is now five o'clock in the afternoon, and Dale, who badly wanted to surf, decided to bring his surfboards to the beach so he can begin his wild ride on the waves. Dale, sporting a Pink Muscle Shirt and silky black swim shorts, was waving to Foxxy Silverglove as she was basking in the sun up-side down so she can sport a hot tan for the summer. Chip, who is changing in the Locker Rooms at the Palm Springs Beach Center, wanted to impress Dale more by sporting also a Pink Muscle Shirt but with Blue Silky Shorts. However, he is starting to get very nervous because he has the chance to win a very first surfing contest against Dale. But he is still wary about his homoerotic dream about his best friend Dale and that a slip of the tongue in last night's dream could mean that Dale will know that he had a gay dream about his best friend. But Chip can't resist it as his throbbing wand quickly goes up, but he is trying to bring it down because he doesn't want to embarrass himself with a stiff erection down his pants. Finally, he controlled his erection and immediately stepped out to see Dale, waiting patiently for his friend to arrive for the battle. Chip took a deep sigh and started his trek to begin the tips and the start of the challenge.
"Yo, Daley," said the happy Chip. "Ya ready for a little surf 'n' turf?"
Dale, who is seeing Chip with the Pink M.S. and Silky shorts, immediately dropped his jaw in shock and said:
"Oh, my God. Chips. Look at you, you sporty son'bitch. All the muscles and physique. Looks like you are ready to take a good round trip to the frisky waves of Palm Beach, huh? Man, so fucking jealous with that physique you have there, Chips."
"You better believe it, Dale," said Chip. "I'm about ready to kick it to the next notch. Now, before we get going, since this is my first time challenging you, I need to get some pointers on how to balance the board while committing a barrage of tricks."
"Ah, you want to get some tips on making some challenging tricks, huh, Chips?" said the confident Dale. "You got it. You see those straps on the board? These are not used with your feet. Reason? It is solely used with your hands to perform a Circle Spin. The Circle Spin is when you go on all fours and lift your weight when you hit the tip of the wave. When you get enough air, you can commit as many flips as you can, but make sure you get enough balance to land safely on the wave. You can make your own tricks when you go on all fours. Now, when you are standing on the board, make sure your body is standing erect. You can't go loose while performing rotating tricks, otherwise you're going to fall flat on your face or get wiped out of your board. The only philosophy when it comes to surfing, Chip, is to pay attention to your tricks. That's it."
Chip completely understood what Dale was saying, but he started blushing because of some of the words that Dale said, like "on all fours" and "erect," was putting him on horny mode, but he kept controlling his urges. Finally, Chip took off the muscle shirt and said:
"Yer ready to kick my ass, Dalley Dale?"
"Yes. Let's get it on!" said the confident Dale as the two chipmunks prepare to get into the water.
Back at the HeadStead, both Gadget and Monterrey were sitting back and soaking up on some rays while they watch the boys have their time together. Not to Monty's chagrin, he was amazed that Gadget went naked to get a full tan so she can put more passion into the bedroom. Monty began to chat on the boys' time off:
"You know, I have got to admit about Chip right now. He actually snapped out of his cockiness and aggressiveness on everyone thanks to the free-thinking spirit Dale. And now, with no more friction to the Rangers, I would love to see how Chip can handle the fucker of a bastard, Dr. Nimrod. Male bonding as its best."
"I totally agree with you, Monty," said Gadget while taking off her sunglasses. "I have to think Dale was the only reason Chip immediately snapped out of his cockeyed attitude. But I am still concerned about his scream last night that Dale was talking about. Maybe he accidentally called off a boy's name and got him ejaculating a lot of fluids. I am just saying that just to get that out of my head, but I guess he was horny, that's all. Sometimes you need to dream to let it all out."
"Well, let's not worry about that and let's have a nice relaxing time between ourselves," said Monterrey as he gets a little closer to Gadget. "How about a little sugar on yers hot body, luv?"
Gadget then got near Monty's face and said, "Oh, yeah, hotrod. Pour some sugar on me and give it five scoops of love, baby!"
As the couple begins to flare up, the music of Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" blares from the subwoofers of a beach party where the party begins to see Chip and Dale going against each other in a game of Wild Surf. The two chipmunks began their surfing as the waves begin to pick up. Dale, as always, begins the first trick to impress Chip to do it: Jacking the Wall. Dale begins his routine by going under the waves and performing the loop, but to add some showboating, he performs a 720-degree turn during the flip and exits the wave. Chip then decided to perform the trick, and notices a huge wave coming in. He decided to try it without the dire warnings of a high tide. He immediately goes under the big wave, and puts force to the flip. The force took him out of the wave, but sky high he performs a 1080-degree turn, and without any fear, he lands on the top wave and immediately rides on it. Dale felt shocked that he broke the barrier of the wave for the first time, and performing a 1080 perfectly. With his amazement, he signaled Chip to do some balancing tricks. But for Chip, he immediately lays down and maneuvers his board with his body, a trick Dale has never done in his life. He then said:
"No fucking way! I cannot believe it. He is so calm and not tense. Well, two can play that game!"
Dale immediately went on all fours and immediately entered the wave where Chip is performing the Lay-Down Maneuver, and without hesitation, pulled his Circle Spin move and pulled five loops in the wave cycle. But when Chip spotted Dale's move, he got into the wave, and joining Dale with the Circle Spin move, and this time, he decided to do ten loops while circling Dale. Dale was even more impressed with Chip's first time surfing in perfect form with minimal advice. The crowd immediately cheered in excitement as they were cheering on for Chip and Dale simultaneously. Dale was utterly impressed at the way Chip is handling the tricks without fear. Soon, thinking that Chip was ready, Dale decided to try the ultimate move that would require the humungous but most dangerous wave ever. However, Dale notices a strange weather pattern coming from the formation of the clouds and seeing that something was about to go wrong. Dale shouted to Chip:
"Hey, Chips! We may have to wait for the final trick. The clouds are getting ready to fuck us up! I'm going to pull back to the sand for safety."
Chip, who heard Dale's warning, immediately spotted the dangerous wave that Dale was talking about and decided to go for the ultimate trick.
But Chip didn't listen to Dale's warning as he was getting ready to pull one of Dale's ultimate but most difficult moves that he studied on a long time ago: The Blitzkrieg. Stinger Splash Surfers Magazine declares the move "The most suicidal trick ever." It requires letting go of your board while shooting up in the air and when you are going down, you must perform aerial moves before performing a bomb dive to get to the board with perfect precision. Dale is the only member of the Stinger Splash Surfers' Hall of Fame 2009 to ever perform such a dangerous stunt, and this could be the possible passing of the torch if Chip tries to do it. Chip, aiming for the perfect speed and aerial height, begins to enter the dangerous wave. Chip then begins to close his eyes and immediately climbs the wave. All of the partygoers and Dale held their breaths as Chip ascends to the air, calculating an amazing 828 feet to the air. However, there came the lightning bolts appearing in the skies. This creates a problem for Dale's girlfriend, Foxxy, because she has a strong case of Astraphobia, the fear of lightning. Chip, not afraid to fear death, performs a Triple 1080 Twist of Fate (series of flips), then walks on the edges of the surfboard while spinning it in the air. Dale calls this stunt "Psycho Snake-Eyes." Finally, after he stops for a second from the air height, Chip shoots his board down with force and proceeds to perform the Bomb Dive. Dale was grinning his teeth because he feels that Chip is going to commit suicide from performing the final stunt. The crowd became silent even though the storm was brewing up. Chip starts to dive down while aiming for the board and the perfect landing. Chip was saying to himself "I will survive. I will survive. Dale, pray for my safe landing." Chip then decided to do the unthinkable: twisting his body like he was a drill. Everyone panicked because he wasn't going to make it. Then, finally, it happened. Chip immediately grabbed the board while still performing the twist move, and without looking, Chip landed perfectly on the water and stood up to wave the crowd. Within seconds, the crowd jumped in excitement and screaming for Chip's anme, including Dale, who is pumping his fist in victory for Chip, even though his defeat was for honor. But, as the cheering continues, the storm begins to get fierce and the waves were getting much bigger. Chip noticed the dangerous waves so he had to get out of there as quick as possible. But seeing the waves caused Chip's nervousness to start on him, as his legs begin to shake, eventually starting to lose control of the board. Soon, the waves struck Chip's board, resulting in him wiping out and getting caught in the waves.
"CCCCHHHIIIIPPPPS!" screamed the horrid Dale as his face begins to cringe. "Holy Shit. Chips. Please, God, don't let me see my best friend die from the wipeout. Please!"
Everyone feared the storm and eventually packed up their stuff and begin trekking out of the islands. Dale started to draw tears in his eyes as he senses the worst feeling ever. He is worried that Chip drowned with full force and can't get back to surface. He feels that he is responsible for Chip's wipeout. But suddenly, the waves spit out Chip of the waters, slamming him down on the sand. Dale, who notices Chip not responding, immediately went straight to him, and decided to perform CPR on Chip. Dale, not hesitant in saving a life, doesn't want to lose Chip on the dangerous waves, even though he survived the Blitzkrieg trick. In repeated intervals, he fiercely pumps Chip's stomach and blows his mouth to get air in his system, hoping that he can try to revive Chip from the nasty wipeout. Finally, Chip's pulse returns, eventually throwing up sea water to get it out of his system. Chip got the sea water full of salt out of his system and rubbed his eyes to find that Dale save his life. Dale said:
"Oh, my God. Chip...I am so glad you're alive!" He said it with a passion and tears flowing in his eyes.
"Dale," said Chip who is closer from crying, immediately embraced with Dale as a sign for saving his life. "I cannot believe it. After all...after all of these years of hitting you hard on your head for stupid things, you did the greatest action God has ever seen: saving one soul's life. Dale, I owe you everything for this."
They continued their heavy embracement but soon the Red Alarm was blaring inside the HeadStead, noticing that there was trouble coming from the abandoned island prison. Chip and Dale immediately went inside and to the Meeting Room where Gadget was displaying on the screen a horrible scene beyond the clouds. Everyone meet except for Foxxy because of her Astraphobia that caused her to hide in Dale's room. When they arrived, Dale said:
"Hey, Gadget! I heard the Red Alert blaring in our homestead. What's happening?"
"You will not believe this," said the fearful Gadget. "Take a look at this. Look how the skies are beginning to circle in the center with that laser light shooting up. I got some terrifying news that it is a Laser Cannon shooting an insane amount of mercury. And with mercury, I got a bad feeling that our enemy is testing the item to prepare for a dangerous storm. He is using heat to create El Nino-style hurricanes. Whatever it is, we have to find out before coming up with a game plan. Rangers, it's time we meet that rabid son of a bitch, Dr. Nimrod! To the RangerPlane!"
Within moments, the Rangers begin to put on protective headgear and head straight to the RangerPlane, now equipped with Storm Jets for quicker speed. However, back at the Helvete og Blod, it was now six o'clock and the Lynholde, Nimrod's invention, was now in the works. Nimrod, along with his henchmen, are now seeing the lightning coming strong and winds propelling sevenfold to its maximum. Nimrod, who is holding a chalice with the symbol of Thor's Hammer, filled with Mercury and Gasoline, said in his ultimate plead:
"Thor! Thor! Mektige tordenguden, hører min tale. Jeg ønsker å teste ut denne maskinen slik at Redningspatruljen kan begynne sitt evig lidelse i hendene på Lucifer. Snart vil jeg da begynne min kamp for en utopi av episke proporsjoner. Velsign mitt beger, slik at jeg vil fortsette å forbedre min energi av hat, vold og tortur. Allmektig tordenguden, streik jorden i kaos!"
Translation: Thor! Thor! Mighty god of thunder, hear my plead. I want to test out this machine so that the Rescue Rangers can begin their eternal suffering at the hands of Lucifer. Soon, I will then begin my struggle for a utopia of epic proportions. Bless my chalice so that I will continue to enhance my energy of hate, violence, and torture. Almighty God of Thunder, strike the earth into chaos!
Soon, the mad scientist drinks the poisonous drink and laughs hysterically while the lightning strikes hard to the sea. As the rain begins to pour down violently, the Rangers were heading straight to the Island Prison where they noticed the laser beam and the machine coming from the outskirts of the prison. Monterrey said:
"Crikey! Take a gander at that hideous invention! My God, I have never seen an invention like this, shooting a beam to produce the vehement storm! But I don't get it! Why is the machine depicting the symbol of Thor!?"
"You're asking me," said Dale. "I know a lot about the behaviors of people who mixes Nihilism with Satanism. They can possess a derange and satanic style while praying to the Gods of Norse or Germanic Paganism! I don't know why this enemy is doing this, but he's sick to head, and needs to be put away!"
"It's hard to say when we need to try to destroy his damned machine!" shouted Gadget. "But with this wind blowing like hell, I can't get into firing a Stinger Missile! Just hang on tight, guys!"
However, Nimrod spotted the Rangers and said:
"Hva faen? De som idioter! Hvordan våger de krysser inn i mitt territorium. Vel, ikke bli fryktet av Reaper. Din tiden er ute! Thor! Blåse dem vekk!"
Translation: What the fuck? Those idiots! How dare they cross into my territory. Well, don't be feared by the reaper. Your time is up! Thor! Blow them away!
Within moments, the wind violently blows and the Rangers were trying to escape the wind. However, one of the seatbelts in the RangerPlane broke away, and soon, Dale was trying to hang on for dear life as he became the first target.
"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE! GRAB MY HAND! I'M SLIPPING!" shouted the fearful Dale. Unlike Foxxy, Dale has a strong fear of being sucked into the wind: Anemophobia.
"DALE!" said Chip who decided to try to get Dale. "HERE, DALE! GRAB MY HAND AND HANG ON!"
"I'M TRYING!" shouted Dale as he pulls with all of his might towards Chip's hand. But his fingers were slowly retracting from the seat as he was closer from going overboard on the plane. "HELP! I'M SLIPPING! I'M SLIPPING!"
But with all of his strength, Dale's fingers lost strength and then, he was blown off the RangerPlane by the violent force of the wind.
"CCCCHIIIIIPPPPPPPPSSSSS!" screamed Dale as the winds keep blowing him, targeting the homestead.
"NO! DALE!" shouted Chip as he sees in horror the wind blowing Dale away from the Rangers. But, Dale was then caught by Foxxy Silverglove, who was actually heading straight towards the Rescue Rangers to help them out. But...
"Foxxy!" shouted Chip. "Thank God she snapped out of the Astraphobia and decided to help us out. HANG ON, DALE! YOU GOT SOME HELP!"
"Huh," said Monterrey Jack. "Uhh, Chip! I don't think she is coming to help us. Notice the eyes! Her eyes have turned Crimson Red. I got a bad feeling she has been brainwashed by Nimrod!"
"Say what?!" shouted Chip.
But as Dale was getting closer in returning to the RangerPlane, Foxxy remained a tad bit silent and she immediately slowed down from getting closer to the RangerPlane and Dale begins to worry. He said:
"Uh, Foxxy, why are you slowing down? Can't you see we're going into the wrong direction?!"
But Foxxy grabbed hard onto Dale's elbows, and immediately see's Dale face in pain where she just said this in a strange language:
"Trăiască Regele Satana!"
Translation: All Hail the King of Satan!
"No! NO!" shouted a now fear-stricken Dale. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, FOXXY?! No, NO! DON'T LET ME GO!"
She then throws off Dale through the gale force winds and immediately heads straight to Dr. Nimrod's hideout. Dale, screaming in pure agony, was getting closer to the HeadStead's tree with the wind targeting the force impact. Chip, kept screaming:
But it was too late. Dale immediately hits the tree with severe force, and soon, his body feels paralyzed as the force feels like he suffered multiple fractures on his backside. His mouth was flowing with blood, knowing that there was a possible internal injuries to his body. Then, he goes straight down, hitting the ground with his bottom side, but immediately lays down and not moving. All of the Rangers were in complete shock because not only Foxxy was being brainwashed to turn onto the Rescue Rangers and her boyfriend Dale, they felt that Dale was minutes away towards Death. Chip, who was the only one stunned and shocked, said to himself in tears:
"Dale. I cannot believe it. No. No, this can't be. After...after...D...D...DDDDAAAAALLLLLEEEEEE!"
The screams of Chip hollering for Dale was echoed all around Florida, and everyone who vacated the party, immediately begin to see the horror of what just happened now. Dale, who accepted defeat in his surfing challenge towards Chip, is closer from entering the gates of heaven due to the vile wind attack at the hands of Dr. Forman Nimrod. The Rangers quickly landed at the beach sand area, but Chip quickly hopped out of the Plane and went straight to Dale, who was still expelling blood out of his mouth. He then quickly lifted Dale up with a strong hug, having Dale's face comforted on Chip's heart-shaped-style chest. Chip, crying in agony because of what happened, said to Dale:
"Oh, Dale! Please! Please don't let me go! Don't let me go! Damn it, don't die on me, buddy! Don't die on me. I have been a friend of you since the day we met while gathering acorns for the winter. We have been together as friends, no matter what of the circumstances! Dale. I am sorry for acting like an ass to you. I am sorry you got thrown out by Foxxy due to her double-cross. And I'm sorry...(His tears drops onto Dale's face)...I'm sorry for being a self-centered arrogant bastard as a leader of the Rangers. I should have never treat you like a child. You're my only hero in my heart. Dale...let me hold you tight until we get you to medical assistance. Please, Dale...Please..."
He wasn't able to utter the three simple words to Dale as everyone, especially Gadget and Monterrey Jack, were seeing a saddening scene that made them begin to cry. Dale was immediately taken to the Medical Front of the HeadStead and the doctors of the FMTA (Florida Medic Treatment Apex) were able to begin the treatment for Dale and hopefully save his life. Within two hours after the treacherous confrontation with Dr. Nimrod's Storm and the double-cross of Foxxy, Dale was treated one major injury with two minor ones. He suffered a back injury, loss of equilibrium, and loss of blood. Although needed a transfusion for blood, it was an immediate relief to the Rescue Rangers because they thought that Dale was going to die. He did not. It was nine o'clock in the evening. After Chip washed up for the night, he proceeded to Dale's Room, so he can comfort Dale's pain. Gadget saw the door open as she sees Chip feeling the burden of responsibility for not getting a grip on Dale's hand during the violent storm, then said to him:
"Oh, Chip. I see you're willing to spend the night with Dale to comfort his severe pain. I see what you mean. I'm going to let you be alone for the night and comfort him. I got some Chicken and Dumplings in the pot if you want some for you and Dale."
Gadget then lets Chip be alone for the rest of the night, closing the door in somber silence. Chip, seeing Dale peacefully sleeping and in great condition after the brutal confrontation with Dr. Nimrod's weather debacle, decided to lay down next to Dale to make him feel comfortable. Chip, beginning to sob near Dale's naked back, knowing that he is in pain for his own faults. He immediately grasps Dale one more time and immediately goes to sleep. Dale then immediately feels Chip's hand, and without fear or embarrassment, holds on to his hand and lets him sleep with him. As the storm continues, although dying down, we know for one reason and one reason only. With Dr. Nimrod's mission to capture a bat and testing out his successful Lynholde machine, this will get darker in the days to come by, come hell or highwater.*
Stinger Splash Surfers (S3) is a monthly magazine that documents the lives and legendary statuses of current and former professional surfers since the start of the surfing movement. Dale, who was introduced in the 2009 S3 Hall of Fame, was famous on March 2 for committing the suicidal surfing move called the Blitzkrieg during a competition in his old homestead. S3's next issue will bring Chip to the spotlight for performing the Blitzkrieg and introduce records that he has broken. Chip and Dale will be the only two to perform the Blitzkrieg.
The language Foxxy shouted to Dale in demonic fashion was Romanian.
duality of love and pain chips dale
FanfictionTwo certain chipmunks have feeling for each other but when fox glove was brainwashed and caused dale injuries who will comfort him and will a certain chipmunk come clean with his feelings find out