Chapter one

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I am Lilia Mallon i have a younger sister adopted sister named Elizabeth My mothers are dropping us off with the Baudelaires so they can go on there business trip Me and the Baudelaire children have been friends since I can remember I'm closest with The middle Baudelaire Klaus it seams I may have picked up on his love for reading my mothers have been acting strange lately Elizabeth doesn't seem to notice On the bright side I get to stay with my Friends for 2 whole weeks! Of course I will miss my parents very much but it's only two weeks not forever "Alright dears we are here don't leave anything in the car" my step mother says lovingly we grab are bags and climb out of the car Are mothers pull us into a big group hug "I'm sorry we have to miss your birthday sweetheart" my mother apologizes Oh and I forgot to mention my birthday is tomorrow "it's okay mom" I smile "We will celebrate after I promise" she said softly Mr's Baudelaire walks out my mothers greet her And she walks over to hug us "Hello darlings I hope you will enjoy your stay with us" Beatrice smiles Mr Baudelaire And Klaus come out the middle Baudelaire runs towards me and embraces me in a hug "Hi Lilia" he says still hugging me it's been almost two years since we've seen each other "hi Klaus" I laugh He pulls away and violet comes running with sunny on her hip "Lilia!" She Embraces me in the best hug you can with one hand "ba dyo ta"(Hi Lia) the small infant babbled My mother walks up and kisses me and Elizabeth on the head "Restez forts mes chéris" My mother smiled my step mother walks up "ne laisse personne te tromper tu es toujours aimé" I didn't understand but Elizabeth had them write it down and handed the paper to me why were they saying all of this it was only two weeks they wave and drive off Klaus grips onto my hand and drags me inside rambling about the books he's read And the horrible bread pudding his parents made for his birthday Violet walks up telling me about her latest inventions and how she needed help Decorating her rock skipping basket "Come set the table!" The woman yelled we all went down I grabbed the forks and knifes setting them all along the table "We made a roast" The Man Exclaimed we all sit down and begin eating Klaus Talks about This Book he wanted to read "Hey umm Lia would you like to read it with me" he asks Nervously "Sure Shakespeare Right?" I smile " Romeo and Juliet" He Exclaims The Two adults look at us and back at each other and smile after we eat we help clean up while sunny sings a
little song we finish up with the dishes and head upstairs to brush are teeth and change (can we take a moment to admire violets skin like what I wash my face twice a day and still be looking grimy😟)

Klaus grabs my hand and drags me to the Basement "you want drugs?" He asks eye twitching


he grabs my hand and drags me to the library "Want to start now? We should be finished......By the end of next week!" He says exited I nod my head and he grabs the book and we walk over to the love seat "I'll read Romeo's lines and you read Juliet's" I laughed he agrees and tries to do a high pitch voice we make eye contact and Erupt with laughter we continue reading in funny voices until the soft voice of his Mother interrupts "Come on you two it's 2 in the morning" We both hop up from the love seat and walk towards the stairs "Oh and Klaus could i talk to you alone for a minute?" She asks he nods and I walk up the stairs and into the guest room


I nod and Lilia walks upstairs "Your perfect for each other" My mother smiles "What?" I blurt "You And Lilia, Now Go to bed I don't want you sleeping all day tomorrow" I walk up the steps and into my room


I get woken up my Elizabeth jumping up and down on my bed "Lizzy stop" I whine she continues and I shove her off with my leg I heard a thump and yelp "I'm okay!" She yelled I groan and Get out of bed walking towards the bathroom I Grab the brush and try to untangle my messy hair i walk back into me and Elizabeth's shared room and grab a dress from my bag locking the door and going behind the Changing screen I throw on a white and mint collared dress and tie a white ribbon in my wavy hair

I get woken up my Elizabeth jumping up and down on my bed "Lizzy stop" I whine she continues and I shove her off with my leg I heard a thump and yelp "I'm okay!" She yelled I groan and Get out of bed walking towards the bathroom I Grab the brush a...

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I Walk downstairs to help set the table for breakfast "Uh no" i turn around to see Klaus starring at me "It's your birthday your not doing any chores!" He laughs and embraces me in a hug "Happy birthday lia" he smiled into the hug we break Apart a...

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I Walk downstairs to help set the table for breakfast "Uh no" i turn around to see Klaus starring at me "It's your birthday your not doing any chores!" He laughs and embraces me in a hug "Happy birthday lia" he smiled into the hug we break Apart and violet comes out with a cake "Me and are mom made this for you" the brunette girl smiles it was a small round cake covered in chocolate "Thank you so much" I beam Elizabeth comes running giving me a bear hug "happy birthday Lilia" the Baudelaire parents say walking out of the hallway "Ba ha Choo!" (Chocolate cake!) the infant babbled We all erupt with laughter

That's it for now loves hope you enjoyed Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes love you all and stay hydrated

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