Chapter Eight

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I stood in the clearing near the lake a sword in my hand and sweat dripping down my face, the sun had long ago risen into the sky. It had been a month since we began the intense training, there was still no sign from the witch. Though that did not stop me from my training. 

Blaze stood across from me he was covered in sweat as well his sword resting lazily on his shoulder. He watched my movements, but I had gotten much better at hiding my intentions. I took a small slight step left allowing my eyes to drift that way, Blaze went into action moving over to the side I was stepping to. As soon as he was close enough, I shifted my weight right and turning to slip behind him swinging my sword stopping a hair before cutting his head off. 

"I win this round" I keep my sword level until he drops his sword and raises his hands in the universal sign of surrender, I slowly stepped back before placing my sword down and laying down on the grass. I was completely exhausted, "You have done well Alva," Blaze said as he moved to lay next to me.

I sighed wiping the sweat from my forehead before dropping my arm back to the ground. I sighed deeply pushing my arms against the ground and slowly lifting my upper body into a sitting position. "I am so exhausted, and the day has barely started" 

Blaze laughed lightly and nodded. "Ya, but there has been much for you to learn" I nodded this I knew it would take people years what I had months to learn. I was up before the sun and didn't rest again until hours after it set. I learned so much within this one month my brain was full of information, and fighting techniques there was so much I needed to be able to understand. 

"We should probably shower Ella and father will be here soon" I said as I stood up moving to help him to his feet.

"We could shower together, save water and time" Blaze said with a devious smirk on his face as he stood pulling me into his arms. I groaned as tempting as it was, I really didn't want to get caught in that kind of situation with my father in the other room.

I shook my head "you and I both know there will be very little showering." I reluctantly stepped back heading into the house. I placed my sword on the rack next to the door and headed into the room. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt. I had given up on wearing any kind of dress out here, it wasn't practical for battle. You know those shows with the women that fight in dresses, ya that is all fake that is not as easy as it seems.

The dress not only gets in your way with certain moves, but it is also heavy and the steps it takes that you have to take are tedious. I stepped into the bathroom and showered quickly. I dressed and stepped out just as blaze was walking in. He smirked at me and ran a hand down my back as he entered the bathroom.

I laughed lightly moving to clean some of the house, once that was finished, I sat at the mirror on the dresser to brush my hair. Suddenly I felt the brush being taken from my hands as Blaze began to brush my hair. 

I laughed lightly closing my eyes as he brushes my hair leaving it down and flowing down my back. He smiled at me, "you ready love?" I nodded and stood grabbing his hand as we headed into the kitchen and began to cook. That was one thing I didn't have to learn as I was cooking Blaze came up behind me and began trailing kisses around his mark. 

The mark itself was gorgeous, it was Blaze's name, but the writing was a gorgeous cursive and the name itself was surrounded by beautiful flowers. It looked like a tattoo but whenever he touched it my knees went weak. He said it was because of the bond, it would strengthen the more passionate emotions in us, and boy did it. 

I tilted my head back as I turned off the stove with my mind, "Blaze my dad will be here soon, and dinner needs to be on the table."

Like the smartass he is he flicked his hand and the dinner moved to the table prepped and ready. He pulled me back spinning around and pinning me against the island as he attacked around my mark again. I knew he was teasing me as the fire began to build in me.

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