Chapter 5

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Hotel in LA

0100 hours

POV: Erica Hale

I just told ben I liked him a couple of hours ago. He said he like me too! I was walking over to my mom's room to tell her. I heard a strange noise behind me and I got shot with a sedation dart and everything turned black.

-Time Skip-

I woke up on the floor of a mysterious place. "ah so you are finally up Agent Hale" a man's voice said angrily. "Who are you?!?!" I said. "Oh, you forgot who I was? It's me Joshua." everything went black again...

POV: Ben

0500 hours

"Guys Erica is missing!" I said in a panic. Oh no, where is Erica did someone capture her or what.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GRANDDAUGHTER!?!?" Cyrus yelled so loudly the walls shook.

"I don't know sir, she was not in her room when I checked"

"Guys I found a note in her room," Mike said

The note read "If you ever want to see erica again come to our base, LOCATION: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛. The note was signed "Your friends at BLAST"

"We are going to the location at 0800 hours get ready now!" Cyrus said coldly and grumpily. I went to Catherine's room to tell her what happened last night. "hello Benjamin, how are you doing with the news that we just got" Catherine said calmly. "I'm doing ok I guess but that's not why I am here, Erica told me she like me," I said unsure what Catherine would think. "Oh, I'm glad to hear that I've been telling Erica to tell you that because I know she likes you a lot."          "Okay, I'm going to go get ready for the mission". I said "Okay Benjamin see you soon" Catherine chirped.

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