Chapter 1

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I do not own the Vampire Diaries

"What are you doing?" Damon asked, he had thought it would be different this time, he had thought that maybe he might have a chance but then she goes and walks away from him.

Elena turns around and looked at him knowing exactly what he meant but all she could say was, "What do you mean?"

"Well, this trip and you kissing me. What the hell is this?" Damon asked not knowing what to feel besides hurt, was she playing him?

"Stefan thinks that I have feelings for you." Elena admitted.

"Do you?" Damon asked although he knew what the answer would be, her eyes always gave her away.

"I- I don't – I don't know." Elena said shrugging her shoulders undecidedly.

"Hm. I guess you thought this little trip could help you figure that out, didn't you?" Damon said beginning to get angry, he loved her for God's sake and to find out that the kiss was only to test a theory when he's been in love with her for so long. It had raised so many hopes inside of him and now after hearing what she was saying, they were all beginning to get crushed, it made him feel stupid for even having them in the first place.

"No." Elena responded but Damon carried on as if he hadn't heard her.

"Or maybe you were hoping I'd screw it up, so I could just make the decision for you, am I wrong?" Damon asked glaring at her slightly, didn't she understand how much it hurt him to see her with his brother, and now when she wasn't with anyone, when it's finally right, she was still undecided? Didn't she understand that it took a hell of a lot of strength for him to love again, let alone love her, the girl with the same face as the woman who had screwed him over? Didn't she see how much he loves her? 

"Damon..." Elena said before he cut her off.

"Am I wrong?" Damon asked forcefully.

"It's what you do, Damon. You sabotage things, you...I mean, think about it, every time there's a bump in the road, you lash out." Elena said with a break in her voice, she didn't want to lose either of them, they both held a special place inside of her and she couldn't let them go because what if she chooses Damon and as she just said, he lashes out and something happens that would break them apart, then she can't go back to Stefan, and it was the same the other way round so how could she let one of them go?

"What if I didn't? What if there was no bump?" Damon asked hopefully as he stepped closer to her. He looked into Elena's eyes for a moment before his face dropped, her silence and the look in her eyes showed him exactly what she thought, it still wouldn't be enough. His eyes hardened at that as he said, "I'm sorry Elena. This time I'm not gonna make it so easy for you. This time you'll have to figure it out for yourself."

Elena looked at him sadly but just as he was about to walk away, they both suddenly saw a flash of light before their worlds turned black. The same thing happened with Jeremy whilst he was sitting in the car completely bored to death.

Kol, who had just moments ago beat the shit out of Damon was also in the same situation as them as his world turned black.

Klaus was pouring himself a drink in the parlor where Stefan was when Rebekah brings Alaric up from the basement, just as he was about to speak, the glass suddenly fell from his hand as a light flashed before all of their eyes and they blacked out.

Tyler was walking away from Caroline to find somewhere else to sleep as Caroline called after him holding the picture in her hand before light flashed before their eyes and they blacked out like the others.

The rest of the Scooby Gang and the Mikaelson Siblings, well those that were alive, saw a bright light flash before their eyes as their world turned black.

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