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It was Saturday afternoon and Mikasa was on a mission. 

See, they had made a plan, the four of them, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, and Sasha. They all made a plan to have a little study session at the library on Saturday. Mikasa made it very clear that she was going to go to Sasha's dorm and pick her up at one in the afternoon. However upon arriving at her dorm she was told by Historia that she had gone out around an hour ago. 

Mikasa assumed that she was just hanging out with Connie and Jean so she traveled to the boys dorms to find the two boys engaged in an arm wrestling competition and no Sasha in sight. She even asked the two and they had no idea where she was. 

So she went to the cafeteria and she wasn't there either, so how Mikasa was walking around campus trying to find where her missing friend had gone off to. She already messaged the boys telling them they would be late, Armin offered to come help but Mikasa wanted to deal with the girl herself. 

On her second walk around the high school building she finally saw a few strands of brown hair peeking out from the bushes near a window. Mikasa sighed, she figured she was hiding from studying, but this was honestly a pathetic attempt. 

She approached the bushes slowly until Sasha came into sight. She was peeping into the window of what Mikasa's pretty sure is the teachers lounge. 

Mikasa sighed and spoke up. "Sasha, what the fuck are you doing?" 

She witnessed Sasha's shoulders stiffen, then she turned slowly to meet Mikasa's face with a nervous smile. "Oh Mikasa, hey..."

Mikasa glared at her. "I went by your room and you weren't there, so I'm going to ask again, what the fuck are you doing?"

Sasha stared at her for a moment before standing up. Mikasa and her locked eyes for a few seconds, then Sasha tried to sprint pass Mikasa. Luckily her reflexes were excellent so she caught her by the waist and held on while she tried to mingle her way out of her grasp. 

"Sasha this is pathetic." 

"You'll never take me alive!" Sasha reached up and yanked hard on Mikasa's hair. 

Mikasa grounded her teeth, she hated it when she'd fight with people and the first thing they did was go for her hair, so in return she grabbed a hold of Sasha's ponytail and gave it a rough pull. Sasha immediately let go of Mikasa and her hands went to her head. 

"Why are you always doing that?" Sasha whined. "Can you please let me go? I feel uncomfortable, I wanna fix my ponytail." 

Mikasa looked down on her. "If I let you go we're walking down to the library and you're going to tell me what you were doing snooping through the teachers lounge window, okay?" 

Sasha nodded. Mikasa let her and stood by while she let down her hair. Mikasa cracked a smile as she saw the state of her hair, it was all messed up and bunched up a lot in the middle from having her hair in up all the long. Sasha stuck the hair tie in her mouth as she gathered up her clumps of hair to put it back into its ponytail. 

Mikasa took a second to really look at Sasha, for some reason she looked almost attractive, the way she closed her eyes as she pulled her hair up, the way the black hair tie hung loosely from in between her teeth. She actually looked…good. Not that Sasha was ugly, but she had more of a pretty look about her, but in that moment she actually looked kind of hot? Was that the word?

sasha, what the fuck? {mikasasha} Where stories live. Discover now