Chapter 4

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Tw:intrusive thoughts, beating up, mentions of suicide

Third person POV

Tommy woke up reasonably early in the morning. He did not feel well rested despite the fact that he had gotten at least six-seven hours of sleep. He yawned and stretched, trying to wake himself up, and then stood up. Dream wasn't in the living room anymore but Tommy could smell food from the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and looked at Dream. "What are you making Dream?" Tommy asked "I'm making some pancakes and bacon. You went through a lot yesterday and you haven't been eating well. Eat the food." Dream said. His voice was both stern and caring. "Fine." Tommy groaned, to tired and hungry to argue with Dream. Dream smiles and set a plate of hot pancakes and bacon in front of Tommy. "Do you want to talk about yesterday? If you don't want to that's fine I don't want you to feel pressured." Dream asked quietly. Tommy thought about it for a little. One part of Tommy's brain was saying Dream is trustworthy and I can tell him. I can trust Dream. While the other part was saying your do fucking pathetic. Dream doesn't care about you. Tommy decided that he could trust Dream and so he started telling Dream about everything. "Ok so I don't really know where to start but I'll just start after I woke up. So after I woke up I already felt pretty useless because I couldn't do anything and I had to rely on others. Once you gave me the robotic parts it made me feel less useless. Then I got unbanned and Tubbo started being a dick. He started telling me that I was useless and I didn't matter and I would be better off dead. Eventually I started to believe him. He made me believe that I was a fat, useless, ugly waste of space that should be dead. After that my depression got worse and I stopped eating, I started cutting, and I tried to kill myself several times. I don't know how much more I can take. Everyone I trusted betrayed me." When Tommy finished he was full on crying. Dream had tears in his eyes. "Toms I'm so sorry. You should have told me. I would have done something." Dream stood up and hugged Tommy. Tommy leaned into the touch and just started crying harder. Dream ran his hand through Tommy's hair and rubbed shapes onto his back trying to sooth the child he saw as a son. Tommy eventually fell asleep and relaxed fully into Dreams chest. Dream picked up Tommy carefully as to not wake him. He the carried Tommy to Tommy's room. He laid Tommy down on the bed. Tommy opens his eyes slightly and looked at Dream. "Shhhhh Tommy go back to bed. We don't have to do anything today and you seem really tired." Dream whispered. "Mmmm. Night dad." Tommy says groggily before falling back to sleep. Dream sat in stunned silence, registering the fact that Tommy had just called him dad. Dream smiled and patted Tommy's head before leaving the room.

Tommy woke up several hours later. It was now about 1:00 pm and Tommy sat up. He was still tired but he got up and went downstairs. Dream was sitting in the living room arguing with someone. Tommy could hear the upset tone in Dreams voice when he spoke. Tommy sat at the bottom of the stairs in order to hear the conversation. "-ot going to let you take Tommy away! All you want to do is hurt him!" Dream exclaimed. Tommy had started listening mid conversation so he had missed some earlier parts. "Dream I am the president of L'manburg. Hand him over or else we will make your life a living hell if you don't." Tubbo says. "I don't care. You can do anything you want to me but I'm not letting you take Tommy. I am not letting you hurt him anymore. He's been through enough. He told me everything you said to him. He tried to kill himself because of you." Dream says rather passionately. The sound of someone's hand hitting someone else's face was heard followed by a loud thud. He heard snickering coming from someone as he saw Dream fall backwards after a few more hits. Dream didn't give in. Tommy was tempted to go in and stop them. The sound of something shattering echoed through the house. Tommy flinched but remained put. He saw Dream and his mask so his mask wasn't cracked. Tommy was wondering what it could be when he sees a shard of glass on the floor next to Dream. Dream wasn't fully visible to him, he could only see the back of Dreams hoodie and hair. He immediately understood that Dream was being hurt because he refused to give up Tommy's trust. Tommy was tearing up because he wasn't aware that Dream was being hurt because he cared about Tommy. Tommy was about to rush into the room, beat everyone but Dreams asses, and probably get himself killed, but before he could he got teleported to somewhere he didn't recognize. He did recognize one figure in the place and that was DreamXD. "Don't get used to this. I owed Dream a favor and lady death wouldn't let me let you die." He growled. An incredibly tall women looked at XD. "XD." Is all she said but XD looked away, almost appearing scared, then he walked away. The lady then turned to Tommy. "Hello TommyInnit I'm Kristen, the goddess of death." She introduced herself, her voice softer and more kind. Tommy go a closer look at her she had a black dress with purple accents, a black veil like thing that covered her entire face, and a hat. Tommy looked at her "hello? Where am I?" He asked. "You are where we, the gods, call home." She answered as if that explained everything. Tommy just stared at her and said "so heaven?" She sighed and responded "no this is not heaven you are not dead. You are just here because you were about to do something that could have gotten you killed. You are very important to Dream and Dream is a trusted friend of majority of the gods. That's why he was allowed to own the smp." She said calmly "also you are technically my child." Tommy just stared at her. "WhAt ThE fUcK! Phil said my mom was a fucking Samsung refrigerator. I am very confused." She just laughed. Tommy was still very confused and he wouldn't ever get an answer. Tommy stayed there for several hours. Finally lady death or Kristin or Tommy's mom let him go back to Earth. Tommy immediately went to make sure Dream was okay. Dream had passed out and was laying on the floor. Tommy immediately started to clean Dreams wounds and bandage them. Dream was still alive as his heart was still beating and he was still breathing. Dream eventually woke up to Tommy cuddled into his side. Dream smiled at this and drifted back to sleep.

Hello lovely humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water<3

Exile, betrayal, and family (TommyInnit angst)Where stories live. Discover now