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At the hotel:
Jihyun's POV:
I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and was feeling to throw up, I got up from the bed to run in bathroom but I ended up vomiting here and it was not a vomit- I threw thick blood in dark maroon colour.. my eyes left tears when they saw the blood, my heart rate was so fast and i was feelkng like my mind will blast any moment. I looked at the other bed where daewang sleeps but there was no one.

I heard some throwing up noises from bathroom, I somehow managed to crawl there and see what happened to him but I felt like my mind was getting eaten up. I opened the door and saw blood on the floor in same color as mine..

"Dae-daejung" he was roaring like a beast, he was on his knees but his back was facing me. I was getting afraid. He turned around suddenly and his face looked so horrible, he roared at me and I screamed.. I ran our from there and opened the door, he chased me..

I ran through the corridors crying badly. Suddenly my foot stumbled and I fell on the carpet he came and bit my neck..

Author's POV:
The zombie bit jihyun's neck and he screamed so loudly that everyone in the hotel heard his scream. He took off his flesh from the neck side and ate till he was full. His neck was bleeding as he laid there dead.

Even if he tried to run away and saved himself from the zombie, he was going to turn into one because of the blood berry he ate. A person who was going through that corridor saw this and he was taken back, his legs were shivering and he was sweating badly.

He tried to run but his legs were weak. Until he caught the zombie's attention. He tried to run up but was grabbed my his leg by the zombie, he bit his leg and he screamed in pain, he took off a heavy amount of flesh from his leg and ate it. That man tried to run up with his bruised leg.. but whats the benifit? He'll turn into a zombie as well later or sooner.

Jihyan's hand moved and it made a crack noise his fingers were cracking as he opened his eyes, and boom he wasn't jihyan anymore.. he has become a zombie now. He got up and a women was coming through this corridor talking on her phone until he noticed the zombie and the blood on the carpet.

The phone fell from her hand and she ran from there screaming for help. The zombie chased her.. she was about to go upstairs from there but then she saw the blood there as well and heard the same noise the zombie made who was chasing her. Her tears started to fall from her eyes, she looked back and He was just a bit far. She looked up, deciding whether she goes up or down? When the zombie came near she screamingly ran upstairs and guess what?

There were another three of them, they all attacked her like she was there meal ate her up, while she screamed for help.

Jungkook's POV:
I was hearing some sort of screams again n again. And it wasn't letting Mr sleep, kiara was sleeping beside me peacefully but I heard screams another then another. Which made me sit on the bed. "What's happening?" I mumbled.

I decided to go out and see. I opened the door and there was a pin drop silence until I sensed something coming from back. I quickly backed off and it was damn human looking beast trying to eat me up.. I got inside the room and tried to lock the door but his arm was fully inside, he forcefully opened the door and the door broke. "DAMN IT!" I yelled...

Kiara woke up and stood on the bed. "Wh-Who are they-" she became afraid. There were three of them.. I'm sure there are more. "Zombies" I replied and held her hand in mine tightly, kicking the zombies off to the ground we ran out from the room, we saw blood splashes everywhere on the wall, few dead bodies on the ground, some had their stomach torn apart and some had their brain scraped we ran till we reached where taehyung and y/n are.

I banged his door loudly. "TAEHYUNGGG!!! OPEN IT HURRY!!" I yelled way too loud, from the both of the sides the motherfuckin zombies were coming running towards us. "Jungkook" Kiara was so afraid she held my hand tightly. "TAEHYUNGGG!!" I again banged and he finally opened it..

I pushed Kiara inside and kicked off the zombie who was almost going to catch her, I got inside the room as well and locked the door. Leaning against it breathing heavily. "What just happened-" taehyung asked.. "who were they? And why were you both running away from them?" Y/n asked.

"Zom-zombies" I said catching my breath. "WHAT?" they both freaked out. "Theh have almost ate up everyone on this floor, professor... she has also turned into one" I said. "Stop this bullshit jungkook! What kind of joke is this?" Y/n said. "Lemme check, these two must be pranking us" taehyung said.

Jungkook's POV:
He walked to me and tried to push me away from the door, but I kept my back attached to the door. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND??" I yelled at him. "Let me check" he pushed me with his full force and opened the door only to get freaked out.

"HOLLY DAMN MAMA, SHITTY CREATURES" he yelled out, they tried to come inside and our girls screamed looking at their conditions, they were looking so hotrible some had there face ripped off badly, some legs and neck.. me and him forcefully closed the door.

The were trying to get inside.. but somehow me and taehyung pushed them back eith the help of door and locked it. "Damn fuck-" taehyung cursed.

"H-how?" Y/n was so scared and Kiara was shivering from fear. I looked at the balcony and it's door was open, I quickly walked there and locked it, did the curtains infront and sighed out.

"How will we get out from here now?" Taehyung said. "I never knew they existed" y/n sat on the bed, she looked dumbfounded. "There are many things you don't believe but, exist" I said and sighed. "I need that book!" I said inside and taehyung looked at me.

"Which book?" He asked, we were talking in mind. "The one my father wrote for me" I replied. "Cmon jungkook, we are stuck in damn zombies and you want to read lullabys your father wrote for you" he said.

"THERE AREN'T LULLABYS" I said out loudly and everyone flinched. "Huh?" Y/n looked at me. "What?" Kiara asked. "Mental disorder" taehyung said.

"Then what's inside? And where's that book?" Taehyung asked me from mind. "That book has been helping throughout my whole life, it had solution of everything I wanted I'm sure there's something about this as well cause he have fought with zombies" I replied to him in head.

"But where is that book?" He asked. "In my luggage and my luggage is in the room me and Kiara were" I said.. and he threw his head back in frustration..

"I have to make a plan to get the book, it's so important for me'" I said in mind. "But how?" He asked. "I-" I was about to reply him in mind when we heard y/n's sob. Kiara rubbed her back.

Taehyung walked over to her and hugged her. "Will we ever be able to get out of here?" She sobbed in his arms. "I promise we will" taehyung kissed her forehead.

End of Jungkook's POV.

Written by: @LIFE_GOES_ON_BISH

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