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Taehyung's POV:
"Did you really try to hypnotise her?" Jungkook asked me in my head. I nodded while looking at him. I looked at y/n, who was sitting in a corner of the room and quietly sobbing.

Jungkook just gulped, and he looked even more feared now than before. He took out a book and read something. I wasn't able to see anything written on it.

Jungkook's POV:
A vampires mate can't be hypnotised. As I read that line, my throat became dried, and my hands started to shiver. I closed the book and let out a sigh in frustration.

I looked at y/n, who was crying in a corner. "What happened?" Taehyung made me flinch. I nodded my head.

"Nothing I was just.. you should go and comfort her." I said to him. He was hesitant or going near her.

Y/n's POV:
I can't believe what's going on in my life. What I am seeing, am I stuck in a dream? Why does this all feel so unreal yet, I'm awake.

I kept crying while my head was on my knees. "Baby -" I flinched when I heard him. I backed off and looked at him, afraid and angry at him at the same time.

"D - don't come near m- me," I started to cry out loud. "Shh! I won't hurt you. Just listen to me - " he knelt down to my level. I sobbed in and kept shivering.

Tears kept falling from my eyes. "I'm still that taehyung you loved..." he said and creased my cheek, but I turned my face to the other side.

"I won't ever hurt you, but seeing you like this, it's hurting me." He said with tears filled in his eyes. I bit my dried lips to control myself from bursting in tears.

He held my shivering hands and pulled me close to him. "Wh- who are you?" I pushed him away a bit. "Werewolf." When I heard he said that, I went quiet.

He creased my hair and tucked them behind my ear. "But trust me, I love you so much.. I won't ever hurt you y/n I know that -" he stopped when he looked at me.

Taehyung's POV:
Her face was pale, and tears never stopped falling. She was lost in her thoughts and stuck in one place. "Look at m- me once." I couldn't help but feel guilty and sorry for her.

She looked at me with teary eyes and shivering body. I pulled her close to me and hugged her.

"I love you, and that's all we need. Please don't be afraid of me. I love you so much more than you can ever imagine. I promise I won't ever hurt you, I know I hid this from you, but I was afraid that what if you left me? That's why I never wanted you to know about me.. please forgive me, forgive me, love.. I want to protect you at all cost baby I love you more than myself." I expressed my love, and she started to cry even louder, stuffing her head in my chest.

She hit her fists on my chest. "I l- love you, I ha- have no Idea why can't I hate you even after knowing th- this." She sobbed, looking at me with her crying eyes.

"You're my only. You're the only one I want." I kissed her hand. She creased the bruise on my neck. I didn't notice it until she creased it.

I might have caught it while fighting. "I- taeh- hyung- " she fainted in my arms. I shook her. "Y/n!! Y/n wake up!" I panicked, but then I heard jungkook said.

"She fainted because of hunger." I looked at him. "Now what?" I asked him. "I can't disappear to any place anymore. It's the full moon night, and my power won't work till the next 5 days and nights." He said, and I had to do something for her.

I looked here and there and saw the telephone. I ran towards it and dialed the numbers to call the cops they might help, but no one picked up.

Because of frustration, I threw the telephone and broke it. I can't even summon a place and take her with me. A normal human can't go with you anywhere.

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