41 | a pretentious game.

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they went in the hideout and could hear their own footsteps echoing in the silent state. yongi, seokjin and yerim, the three of them were looking at them with terrified faces, hoping to understand what happened.

"joohyun, she-she is dead." taehyung spoke, stepping on his wounds and jeongguk saw each one freeze to those words.

"w-what do you mean? t-this can't be true.." yoongi approached them and held jeongguk's arm. "this isn't true, right? r-right?" jeongguk looked away, avoiding his question and closed his eyes tight in pain.

"no, she was killed." the moment those words escaped taehyung's trembling lips, yoongi focused on him and the other two as well. "joohyun was shot by a traitor." taehyung's voice felt weak saying that, and jeongguk could see his fist clutching by the corner of his eyes.

yoongi on the other hand, unable to take the pain, fell on his knees, with a blank look on his face but the lonely tear that escaped his eye said otherwise and soon he started to cry silently, so were seokjin and yerim.

they were all breaking down and seeing them this way brought tears to jeongguk's eyes again. these people that he saw once as the strongest and fearless friends, looked now the weakest. and his heart couldn't stand it.

he saw yerim breaking down, but he felt too weak that he couldn't even go to her. seokjin and despite the state he was in, was there to hold her.

he looked back at taehyung and saw him hesitating to comfort yoongi, but after a couple of seconds, he touched his head as the older was looking down. yoongi looked up at him and stood back up with tears filling his eyes. taehyung was quick to him towards him by the back of his neck as yoongi started to pour his pain out on his shoulder. jeongguk knew taehyung was trying hard to hold back his tears while he was patting yoongi's back, comforting him. after a moment, yoongi moved back and wiped his tears away, pulling himself together.

"who k-killed her?" he asked hesitantly and made everyone wait for taehyung's answer.

"one of my men that i trusted. he killed her and told hoseok that i was the one who gave him that order saying that she betrayed us." he spoke, his gaze hardening.

"y-your man? how and why?" jin asked, panicking. "who ordered him?!"

after a moment of total silence, seokjin looked at jeongguk and the younger felt his accusing look. however, before he could defend himself, yoongi stepped forward, surprising him.

"don't even think about it jin!" he spoke, his voice firm. "jeongguk would never do this to joohyun!" everyone was surprised by his words, and jeongguk could totally understand why since he was the one who rejected the boy from the very beginning. "i-i believe that jeongguk is not betraying us. i have a feeling, right? taehyung?"

"u-uh yeah." taehyung who was taken aback by yoongi's reaction finally answered. "i also think that it can't be jeongguk."

there was silence for a moment before it was broken by a bitter chuckle, filling the place, grabbing everyone's attention. "if you are not doubting him then who can you doubt? yerim?!" seokjin let out a mocking laugh. "you must be kidding me, right?"

"why not?" taehyung let out, taking them all by surprise. "it can be her too, right?"

"taehyung?" jeongguk mumbled as everyone went speechless, and yerim's expression was scaring the younger for her. taehyung ignored him and walked towards her who definitely couldn't breathe.

"did you think i had no idea that you were meeting mingyu this whole time?"

"w-what? why would she-" jin stuttered.

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