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Quackity's POV

I walked back to my office once I was done talking to Wilbur. I hate him so much! But love him so much...

After his death I was devastated. For a while I tried to forget about him, but I never could. I tried to love my fiance's Kalr and Sapnap. I mean I did really love them, but I was always hoping Wilbur would come back.

Wilbur didn't purposely leave me like he said, but I was just... Shocked I guess. I wanted to hug him but people would call me soft and shit.

Wilbur's POV

Since when did Quackity become a snob?! A hot snob to be exact. It was so damn hot when he yelled at me! It was so powerful and hot!

Back in Pogtopia, Quackity was always soft and gentle, which I love.
And there's this Quackity which is fierce and rough, which I also love!

I know he said to get off his land, but I need to see that sexy motherfucker again.

Once I was done building my van,(Which took hours) I set off into Las Nevadas.

I looked around. It was pretty dark so I couldn't see. I then realized I somehow still had my phone on me, so I took it out and put on the flashlight.

I saw this weird building that looked like an office, maybe Quackity was in there?

I headed into the building and there was my son, Fundy.


"Fundy!" I smiled.

"How the fuck did you get here?!"

"Fundy! I was revived and also do you know where Quackity is? He told me to meet him in Las Nevadas for a meeting." I lied.

"Yea... Third floor, first door to your left..." Fundy answered.

"Thank you son!" I said as I hugged him, and I soon disappeared into the elevator.

I really did love Fundy. But I was a horrible father to him. I will make up with him, I promise.

Once I got to the third floor, I went to the first door to the left and opened it.
There sat Quackity in his black office chair.

"What the fuck Wilbur?! Now that you're revived, you use it to stalk me?! How do you even know I'm here?!" Quackity yelled as he stood up and slammed his hands on his desk.

"Woah woah, darling no need to get hostile. And I'm not stalking you, I asked Fundy."

"Well I told you to get out of my country!"

"And I disobeyed." I argued. All of a sudden it started raining like it was faith or something. "Well I can't go back now."

"Ugh Wilbur you're so annoying." Quackity said as he walked over to me.

"Ugh Quackity you're so hot." I teased.
I mean I wasn't lying.

"Shut up soot." He said as he pushed me.

Quackity's POV

This jerk really thinks he can get away with calling me hot! I tried pushing him out of the room but I miserably failed.

"Darling, please let me stay?" He begged.

"Whatever I don't care about you, just don't interrupt my work."

"Hey why do you work so late? It's like 1am." Wilbur asked.

"I have a meeting tomorrow and I have to get everything organized. I usually work up until 8- wait why am I even telling you this?!"

"Cause you love me~" He flirted.

"You wish."

He then walked over to my desk and picked up my pack of cigarettes and took two out. He then handed me one, and then grabbed my lighter off my desk and lighted up both of our cigarettes.

I went and sat leaning in front off my desk. I really still do love Wilbur...

Wilbur sat next to me. "So, how's life going Q?" He asked.

"Horrible now that you're here."

"Rude much, but like elaborate." He said as he ruffled with his hair.

"I've been fighting with my finances because they just kept yelling at me about little things and built a whole kingdom with FUCKING George. I still don't know why they chose the guy who sleeps during everything over their own finance. They forget about me way to much. Sorry I'm rambling so much..."

"No, no keep going." He said calmly with a smile. God damnit. Why does his smile have to be so cute?!

"They still come here to try to get me to hang with them because they have nothing to do but I always reject them. They left me behind so many times and I hate them for it. They always accuse me and cheating aswell because I hang out with Charlie more then them, but Charlie is my employee so of course I have to interact with him" I rambled and rambled. I then looked at Wilbur who was looking at me like I was his teacher teaching him a very interesting subject.

"Why don't you just divorce them or talk to them?" He asked.

"I want to divorce them, but I would feel bad. And I have like no time at all."

We then finished our cigarettes and threw them away.

"So, how is your day going so far?" I asked.

"Well not really day, like a couple hours. But my few hours on earth had been going well! I saw you, Tommy, and Fundy!"

"I'm cringing that you said me."

"Me too." We then laughed together. It was honestly enjoyable, but I was obviously not going to admit that.

"Well then how was your life back then? I don't wanna be the only one rambling about their life story."

"Well, I had a wife named Sally. She was a rare kind, she was half human and half salmon. We fall in love somehow and then we had Fundy. Sally started being weird, and when Fundy was only six she left us. I don't know where she is now. And when Sally left us, I was stressed and had to raise Fundy all by myself. I was pretty horrible to him. I didn't abuse him or hit him, I just didn't pay much attention to him only if I knew he was eating. I then started L'manberg and had absolutely no time at all anymore. Fundy really loved L'manberg, and when I blew it up I bet he was devastated."

"Wow. That is a story." I said shocked.

"Yeah." He laughed.

We then continue talking about the most random stuff all night, then eventually fell asleep.

1070 words

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