01 (Weirder then usual)

14 0 0

It was a morning like normal brawlers brawled or just went on to life's move but Rosa was curious about something

As Rosa walked to the arcade she thought about the mysterious that layed beyond their planet then she entes the arcade "hey 8-bit can I ask you a favor" Rosa said

"Sure what is it" 8-bit responded "Great so can you let me test on your turret"1 Rosa said while 8-Bit didn't expect that he was hesitant to give but after asking so many times he finally let her


Rosa made it back the biodome "Ok now to open up the turret"


"Sure about this?" A pirate girl said "Am sure" A girl in red and some strips that were yellow on the side and a hat "Ok but remember that he rejected every girl who asked him Meg" the pirate girl said " I know Penny but me and him are good friend not like the other's who asked him" said Meg as penny simply rolled her eyes and then saw a red haired girl and Meg asked "what she doing here?"

What was happening while they were talking

"Mmm...." As the boy in a chameleon jacket turned around to see a girl with red hair "Jessie?" Then Jessie turn to see him "Huh?... Oh Leon hi" Leon also said hi but asked what was she doing here She responded by saying that she was looking for penny "Why" He asked


"Ok that should be the last one" as she put a poster on the wall "Hey Shelly" as she turned around to see the sheriff "Oh colt hi" colt responded "Hi but can I know what the poster all around brawltown?" Shelly said that it was for a show then colt was confused "Well you see Janet wanted me to put posters around for the stunt show remember" colt responds saying "No I know but why you couldn't she do it her self instead of tell a beautiful girl to" shelly quickly blushes and looks away "I did it because she a friend of mine" colt was wondering why she turned away but he realizes what he said and quickly says " I-I got to go bye" and rushes away she says bye too but still thinks about him

Back at the biodome

"I still don't get it" rosa said. then she heard "Hey rosa should we get help from other people like Carl Jessie or even Pam" Said a girl in a bea suit "Oh bea I- well- you see I haven't told anyone about my plan" Bea responded "You what!?" as accidentally spill all the liquid she was going to use on the turrent "Oh no I haven't tried them all" as an explosion was caused

Meanwhile at a far at the stunt studio

A girl with a helmet was playing with the balloon bouncing it back in forts to a bot with a beanie while being supervised by a robot with one wheel "Hey uncle stu can me and gus go to the park?" Stu(the robot) responded saying sure bonnie both kids went to the park with stu until they hear a explosion from a far "What was that uncle stu" Stu didn't know and both kid got in bonnie canon Clyde "Hey uncle stu me and gus are going bye" Gus then said "Bonnie I don't think this is a good idea" stu agreed with him as he was going to try and get them out but it was to late they had already launched to rosa's biodome "Janet is going to kill me" stu said as he rushed to the biodome

Meanwhile in the sky

"What the heck was that" as a girl with a jetpack look at the smoke that came out of the biodome from the explosion "I'll better check it out" just then she was hit by her sister bonnie " Sorry sis Janet" janet's jetpack was damaged "Wait isn't stu supposed to take care of you guys" but they were too far to hear her and then she started to fall "Oh no my jetpack it's broken"(No meme intended)

Meanwhile at the Hollywood studio

"Ugg theirs nothing to do" a guy with popcorn said then a girl with a fox scarf came in "Don't be like that my darling fang" Fang responded " For the last time stop calling me that Lola" then fang when outside followed by lola "Why you know we were meant to be" then fang was going to say something until he fell down because someone fell on him "Hey watch where you're falling you landed on the person I love and was meant to be with" she got up oh sorry for falling on top of y-fang?" Fang looked up after opening his eye's "Wait who are you" she slaps him "You know exactly who I am she get up "Ok ok sorry janet please forgive me" she ignored him "Come on sorryyyy" lola was confused "Hey who is she and why do you know her and not me "Oh well you see then stu rides past him "What was that" Lola said "STU!!!" She chases him by foot "Hey wait for me" Fang said "Me too" Lola followed


"What do you mean by that leon" jessie said looking at leon "Umm well I haven't seen her and it's odd for you to ask me something to do with penny" leon said to jessie then she said "well I think she has my book from the last day of school" as they were talking meg and penny were listening "so you have jessie's book?" Meg said then penny nodded "ok I knew you were crazy for her but not to the point you kept her stuff crazy then a Sherikin from leon landed on the ground right in front of them "damn it I think they heard us let's make a run for it" penny said then meg said "No leon will chase you and catch you in no time let's just reveal ourselves" penny nodded they got out the bushes leon was going to ask them something until they saw the explanation "Wait isn't that where" jessie was interrupted by leon "Yes it is... let's go everyone" as they left they saw other brawler head to the same place

As most the brawler went they notice something that rosa and bea were working and then the other brawler were shocked to see rosa had made not just one but four portals

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