03 (The Joey Drew Studio)

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"What is this place I've never seen anything like this" Max said as she saw a work place broken up and filled with ink all over the place then leon noticed a door and thought they could get out as he walked up to it they all heard a sound of something drop "We should split up in groups of three's" said pam then bo ofjected and said that they should split in two's so less of them wood be spotted pam hesitated but then agreed then they split in group

Pam : Jessie
Nani : Tick
Daryll : Penny
Meg : Max
Surge : Leon
Bo : Nita

As five of the groups left leon's group stayed to open the door but failed and thought that it was locked from the other side and tried smashing their way in but it didn't even open or break so they gave up and went looking from clues on where the portal was on the other hand nita had found a huge battery and her bear carried it for her and bo had found a hole with chain on it then saw where the battery was supposed to go and placed it in but they were missing the handle but in a other room jessie hear music then tried to open it but it was locked she got a little nervous that the lights were on but just then pam called her to come where she was and she quickly came she saw that her mother find a gear on the ground then with max and meg, meg had found a place where six items wore to be placed then max knew what items to find due to pictures of the items they needed and started looking for them thinking it would help them get out and find the portal while nani and tick found a bendy plushie which they found disturbing but took it anyways


"Uggg, it feel like it's been hours" penny said then daryll responded saying "My sensors say it's been twelve minutes" she just ignored him "Hey look" they saw something written on the wall "It says..." *bonk*

Back with jessie

"Hey mom why is this place soo creepy with ink everywhere?" Jessie questioned "Well you see... I don't know" she exclaimed "But..." just then they stood in fear as they saw a bendy cut out

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Back to the story

Jessie asked "w-what is that" pam answered "I-it looks like a cutout a creepy one"

As jessie and pam walked leon and Surge walked just around the corner

Leon started to question what had happen here "Hey Surge do you know what's up with the ink?" Surge then answered "Well I'm not quite sure but it seem that the place has been abandoned or broke down due to some disaster" leon said "well that was helpful it's not like I didn't see that" Surge said "good I'm happy to help:)" leon:/

Both teams took a turn and bumped into each other

Leon "uhh..huh?" Pam "what are you guys doing?" Leon responded saying "oh sorry we didn't see you pam and.... pig tails" Jessie replied saying " I have a name leon I thought we agreed to stop calling me that" slightly blushing but no one noticed and also mad as leon said "ya ya whatever you say... pig tails" and that comment only made jessie angrier "just stop already" Jessie yelled " come down you know the situation we're in right jess?" Pam said "sorry but it's just that.." Jessie was interrupted "no buts as for you leon you stop too you two should just get along" pam said as leon responded "get along with her ya right as if we could" pam just signed and said fine if two can't get along then I'll leave you guys with Surge as I look for another gear see if I can built something ok" leon and jessie responded "fine" as they looked away


"Hey dad I found they other handle!" Nita exclaimed "Great now go get pam so that she can help repair it" Bo said as Nita gave him the handle "Bruce go and look for Pam's scent" Nita said as Bruce just made bear sounds and once he got a lock on it Nita followed him

With Meg and Max

" Ahhhh" Meg yelled at the horrible sighting "what it-ahhh.....what the what is this and who did this"

Meanwhile with Pam

"None of these will help" Pam said as she searched through a bunch of useless gears "Pam!" Nita yelled out "We need your help" She exclaimed "Really on what?" Pam asked "We think we found a way out" she said "OK just lead the way" Pam answered "Great but where's Jessie and we need Leon and Surge because if it is a way out then we need everyone" Nita exclaimed "Oh right let me go tell Surge" Pam responded then took out a communicator "Surge do you read me?" Pam asked "yay why?" Surge asked "oh good I need you to search for everyone and then track my location we might found a way out!" Pam exclaimed "OK on it" Surge then turns off the communicator "Ok kids we need to find everyon-" Surge was interrupted by a loud scream "I guess we found our friends already" Leon said then they headed to the direction the scream came from

As for Nani and Sprout

They were passing through the same hallway Jessie heard the music playing and lights on but as they got closer they heard the scream but just then the lights when out "This doesn't seem any better" Said Nani they open the door but saw nothing but a disc they quickly took it just in case

Back with Meg and Max

"This place scares me even more then before but s-still it looks like a wolf with a h-human body" Meg said nervously "Look a poster with the wolf on it but it seems to have a name called Bors..Bois...B-boris BORIS that the name but I heard it some where but where?" Max said questioning her self "Hey look the ranch one of the six items in the pictures I think we need it but I don't want to touch it" Meg said in disgust "I'll do it Meg don't worry" Leon said out the blue "Leon? What are you doing here and with Surge and Jessie?" Meg asked "Oh we heard your streams" Leon answered "And Pam?" Meg questioned "She told us to search for everyone" Jessie responded as Leon started to take out the ranch out of Boris' body "Done!" Leon said "take it pigtails" Leon told Jessie "No" Jessie replied "What why I mean should it came out the body of a wolf but come on" Leon said "Yea other then that I want you to stop calling me pigtails" Jessie said "Come we need to hurry up!" Leon said "Fine but call me something else other then pigtails ok" Jessie exclaimed "Right ok just take it Jess" Leon said just then Jessie blushes but hides it "I umm but I meant you what forget I guess Jess will due for now" Jessie replied nervously "Great let's go" Leon said


Ok I just wanted to say sorry for not publishing at all but I'm have a bit of trouble  at home and school so for now I'll leave the account in hands of my friend and he has no account on wattpat but he'll be writing on this account for now as I get me things sorted out also most of this writing was do by him so I hope you guys enjoyed it and well see you guys :)

Side note:I'll be back on the stories seeing how he goes or appear in the story

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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