02 (New enemies and the travel)

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At most of the brawlers eye's they saw something unbelievable but, were scared of what could ever come out of it

"Hey rosa just what do you think you're doing!?" A woman while hair just like jessie's "Oh pam well I was..." She was interrupted by 8-bit "So is that why you needed my turrent" he said in a relatively angry way "Look 8-bit I was trying to do just one portal not four plus you turrent has to have something to allow you to teleport so I thought your turrent was the last piece to my experiment" then a big robot that was red and yellow said "That could possibly ruin most of reality as we know it if any of us go in we could create a world where chaos would be born and use what we made to ruin other worlds as far as we know" then a girl next to him said "Surge it won't create a new world but other worlds could go through the portal s and use them to their own will" surge then responded saying "In any case Max we must not allow this" Max agreed and told rosa to shut it down rosa refused and they started arguing


"Hey Feddy what is that" Freddy responded saying "Don't know bonnie but remember that we can't leave our spots right now so let's just wait"

At an other world

"Well well well look at this a wormhole or is it... In any case inklings go and check it out" the inklings responded saying "Yes Sammy sir" They went through

Back at the biodome


As they argued leon whispered to jessie

"Am going to go this might take a while" jessie quickly whispered "Don't please just stay a little longer" Leon was about to answer until everyone here a scream "What the hell is that" Bea said as everyone turned around to their shock they saw inky creatures come out the portal


"Hey janet we could take a rest" lola said "But I really to catch stu" janet responded then fang said "He is long gone just give it up" janet didn't respond "Please don't tell me you're still mad then janet said "No it not that just look at that so the two fang and lola saw a robot but not like the other robots they knew no this one looked like a skeleton robot "What the..." The robot launched to attack but gang quickly dodged it and then kicked it in the face and the head went flying but the body still moved "The heck is this thing it's not like our robots so what is it"


"Hey you what are you" Bo asked the creature just attacked and didn't answer bo then attack it with one of his arrows and it blowed up but the ink reconnected "How!?" Rosa charged in and punched it and the other brawlers then joined in to take down the others nita and her bear jessie and her electro bolts and leon with his Surekins Amber with her fire and etc but none of the attacks did much damage and the fire just made them stronger "None of the attacks work" rosa said leon grabed a near by wood and hit them with it and kept hitting it and even when they regenerated he kept hitting it until it stop regenerating "Why did it stop regenerating" jessie asked "It appears they have a limit to how many time they can regenerate" rosa responded then the other creatures attacked "Ok listen everyone" as they defended from the inklings "Everyone like leon, pam, shelly, colt, bull, and tara etc must have a weapon they can hit them in one not attacks they hit but will be absorb because their tiny" and for those like me, primo, bibi, nita's bear, and carl are ok and those like jessie, nita, jacky, nani, and meg etc are just going through them and those with bombs keep bombing or whatever because that spits them and allow us to attack in and do as I just said and finish them" they all follow her orders and quickly got the lead and soon after they had won


"Fang quit attacking it like that it won't work" janet exclaimed "Then what do I do?" Fang responded "My crytrals don't have any effect" lola said then janet said "Let me try something" She took her weapon out and it increased her voice like a microphone and she holded a note until the robot melt function "How'd you do that?" Fang exclaimed janet responded saying "Simply is it build like most robot it would melt function if the pich of my voice was loud enough to break it from the inside and now we continue going their at the biodome

Meanwhile in a tree

"Hey bonnie you sure you calculated the angle right enough" gus asked "Yes am sure but I didn't think it was going to be windy" bonnie said as they got down the tree and they quickly run into stu "Oh hi uncle stu" bonnie said then stu said "Don't ever do the again bonnie" stu exclaimed tried and low on fuel bonnie then said ok and then they all went to the biodome to meet up with everyone and janet,fang, and lola made it up their too

Back to sammy

"Where are they" sammy said then heard sounds "It him the ink demon he is blessing us" he look back at the portal and then thought to him self ("If I come back later I still need to finish some unfinish business") he walked away

At the biodome

"See it is too risky to keep rosa" max exclaimed then rosa said "Fine but remember the only way to close it is from the other side first they go in and close it there but it will close luckly they just search for a new portal to get back" rosa explained "But only 12 can go in one if less it will not close in this side and if more then they will disintegrate the extra one" then leon said "Fine I'll go" nita then said "Wait don't go" he responded saying "If I don't who will" jessie then said "I'll go too" leon in surprise said "No you can't" jessie responded saying "Don't worry I'll be fine beside we're friends and you promise that we would stick together" leon said fine and nita and bo decided to go too as a family and then pam and nani also decided to go too to protect jessie meg and penny went to get closer to the people they love (Leon and Jessie) Daryl and tick went for the same reason that max and surge went so that they can make sure both meg and penny don't go find trouble then they all went through the portal the inklings came from

As they travel

"What is this" Penny said as the saw rainbow colors along with many of the other paths there are and that there more then just four world Max said that all of these are just the other universes their are in the mutiverse and they shouldn't have mess with it in the first place then they finally made it "What is this?"

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