A Kid on Roller Skates

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It's a nice sleep Varian has. Empty, no dreams or anything. But nice. Nicer than he expected it to be, considering the new arrangement. But all good things must come to an end, and Varian is awoken by the blaring of his alarm at exactly 8:00 the next morning. Hugo seems bothered by the noise, which kind of brings a sense of victory to Varian's soul. It should be wrong, but Varian hates Hugo, and others probably do too. So it's okay.

"Jesus Christ, turn that shit off!" Hugo exclaims, and oh. His voice is scratchy and hushed, and it's kind of nice. If it were anybody else, it'd probably be attractive. But it's Hugo. So it's not.

And as much as Varian would like to let his alarm blast for the rest of eternity just to torture the annoying dude across from him, it's starting to annoy him too. So he turns it off, and sits up to stretch. He hopes Hugo goes back to sleep, but that doesn't seem likely now, as the boy starts speaking, still laying down facing the wall as he was the previous night. Guess he doesn't move much in his sleep.

"Why are you even up early today?" He whines. "Classes don't even start until tomorrowww." God he's annoying.

"That's true, glad you're aware," Varian says as he stands up and walks to his closet to find something to wear.

"Ha, ha. Why are you up." He is so persistent. Why does he even care? It's not his business! Still, there was no harm in telling him.

"Well Hugo, while you plan to do what seems to be rotting in your bed all day, I've decided to take myself on a tour of campus. Figure out where everything is, mostly my classes, but other things too. It's always great to be prepared and familiar." Hugo scoffs as Varian offers his explanation.

"Yeah, okay Mr. Perfect." Varian rolls his eyes. He's got his clothes now, so he walks to the bathroom to change. Never in a million years will he get dressed in front of that asshole, half asleep or not.

He's come to find that the bathroom is small. Like, two by four small. There's a toilet, and in front of it is a counter with a sink, two drawers and a mirror hanging on the wall. Typical bathroom. There's no shower, theres a shower room down the hall on every dorm floor. According to the dean, it saves water and space. According to Varian, it's impractical as fuck.

Once he's dressed he grabs his brush from one of the cabinets and brushes out his hair, styling it like he always does. He observes himself in the mirror after finishing everything else he does in the morning.

He decided on a long sleeved, white colored shirt with a black sweater vest over it and some gray slacks. He stares at himself a bit, and decides to tuck the vest and shirt into his pants.

If you asked him, he'd say he dressed pretty casually. But you would never catch him dead in a public setting wearing only like, a hoodie and sweatpants.

He shivers at the thought. He'd never mean offense to those who do, but Varian says he likes to be at least a bit presentable at all times.

He exists the bathroom, only to see Hugo awake and sitting up, on his phone. Fantastic.

Varian walks over to his desk to grab his goggles, peering in his small mirror to situate them on his head.

"Goggles? Seriously?" Hugo's irritating voice makes Varian roll his eyes.

"You never know what you're going to encounter. Plus, they're a family heirloom." Shit. He hadn't meant to say that last part out loud.

"Heirloom? So your whole family is filled with nerds just like you. Oh genetics."

"As if you're less nerdy. You literally have robotics posters and blueprints laying on your desk right now."

"Never said I wasn't nerdy goggles, I was just implying that you're nerdier. Power in numbers." Varian turns around, having finished with styling his goggles, satisfied.

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