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This silence was different from the one shared between Clay and George earlier that evening. That silence was comfortable but full of tension. This one was the type of silence that makes you want to puke, no matter your role in the situation. Everyone crowded around Clay was now looking at George. He wanted to run away, it felt like a sick joke all over again. His skin felt wrong and it felt like all the oxygen in the room was suddenly gone.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT." There wasn't enough time for anyone to register who was talking before everyone surrounded the couple and cheered for them.

George had never felt so loved and accepted in his entire life. These were his people, this was his family.


Nick, Kris, and George spent the night since they passed out before everyone left. Nick and Kris slept in the giant recliner in the corner of the basement while the other two took the couch.

When George woke up, Clay was gone. Kris was also awake and she was typing something on her phone while a still sleeping Nick snuggled her.

"Morning Krissy," A groggy George said as he sat up and stretched.

"Good morning Gogs. Your lover boy is making breakfast upstairs."

George gave her a little nod, standing up to make his way to the kitchen. He opened the door to the white and grey tiled kitchen, the smell of waffles and bacon drifted through the air. Clay had his headphones on while flipping bacon in front of the chrome stove and white marble counter. He was doing a little dance and humming to the music that was barely audible over the sizzling pan.

The shorter boy walked up behind the taller, resting his head between his shoulder blades. Without a word, Clay turned around and wrapped his arms around his soulmate, planting a small kiss on his head and leaning back against the counter. They just stood like that, the blonde occasionally using one hand to flip the bacon.

Clay let go briefly to take his headphones off and rest them around his neck, "George," He looked up at green eyes that seemed to look through his soul, "Do ... Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

George had no idea he could smile as wide as he did. He'd never felt joy like in that moment, "Yes."

They just stood there smiling at each other. Clay's green eyes wandered over George's pale face, landing on his lips. The basement door opened interrupted their intimate moment, but this time they didn't let go of each other. They stayed hugging while the other sleepy couple made their way to the kitchen island. Nick pulled out the black, wooden bar stools for him and Kris to sit on.

"How'd you two sleep?" Clay laughed as Nick yawned and laid his head on the marble. Nick just grumbled in response.

"I slept alright." Kris said, "Breakfast smells hella good."

"Waffles, bacon, and there's fruit and whipped cream in the fridge. It'll be ready in like 5 minutes."

The blonde let go of George to take the bacon off the pan. He grabbed the waffles from their warm place in the oven and set it on the island along with the bacon. George grabbed the fruit and whipped cream from the fridge and brought it over. There were already plates and utensils set out so everyone started plating up.


Everyone was slightly hungover from the night before so they all decided to just chill at Clay's for the rest of the day. George stepped out through the sliding glass door in the basement to call his mom. The cold air bit at his nose and cheeks, making him shiver. He zipped up his sweatshirt and pulled the hood over his head before getting his phone out.

There were only a few rings before his mom's hoarse voice drifted through the phone, "Hi honey," Her cough sounded like there were razor blades in her throat, "How're you doing?"

"Hi mom, I'm alright." It hurt George to hear how sick his mom was. He wanted nothing more than to make her better, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Just one of my bad days."

"Do you need anything? I can run to the store and bring whatever you want home."

"Thanks, kiddo, but I'm okay for now. I can ask Kelly to get it if I need something, you have a fun day with your friends."

He hated feeling helpless, "Okay, I'll be home by tonight. I'll text you later."

"I love you and I'll see you tonight."

"Love you too, mom." He hung up and let out a sigh, his breath clouding around his face.

The snowy grass glistened in the warm sunlight as birds sang in the distance. The brunette stared off into the thick forest that spread out behind Clay's house. He needed to think without anyone to distract him. But of course, his boyfriend came looking for him. George broke his mindless eye contact with the tree he was looking at when the door opened, "Hey, everything alright?"

"Yeah," Lie, "Just called my mom to tell her I'll be home later tonight."

The blonde wrapped his soulmate into a tight hug, "You're cold as shit, let's go back inside."

"Okay," George smiled as he was pulled through the door to the basement.

Nick was stretched out on the "L" shaped couch, leaving space for the other two boys. George sat next to the arm rest while Clay grabbed a blanket.

"Where's Kris?"

"Bathroom," Nick said quickly, not looking up from his phone.

Not a moment later, Kris came out of the bathroom and hopped on the couch next to Nick. Clay came back with the blanket, handing it to George while he grabbed the remote.

He sat down and wrapped his arm around the boy next to him before turning on the TV, "What do y'all wanna watch?"

Kris sighed, "Can we just listen to music? I'm too hungover to watch anything."

"Sure," He put on some soft, relaxing music as everyone got comfortable. Before the first song could even finish, they all passed out. Again.


Clay was woken up by his little sister shaking his arm. He reluctantly opened his eyes, blinking and looking around the room as if he forgot it was his house. Nick was nowhere in sight, but Kris had made herself at home in the recliner again while she softly giggled at her phone. The blonde's boyfriend was still asleep, curled up into his side, his face barely visible from behind the blanket.

"What?" The word sounded harsher than he had meant it to, his sleepy voice didn't help.

"Mom and Dad are coming home early. They said they'll be back tomorrow morning before we get up so you should clean. I'll help if you do the dishes when it's my turn for the next week," She sounded like a business woman.

It took Clay a second to register what she said, sleep still clouding his mind, "Uhh, okay."

Drista quickly went back upstairs to grab some cleaning supplies. She always had her brother's back with things like this because she knew he would cover for her too. Their parents weren't strict, actually they were quite the opposite. They didn't mind when the kids threw parties, as long as they cleaned up after themselves and didn't disturb the neighbors too much. They didn't throw parties that often. Most of the time it was to celebrate a big win or to blow off steam after a stressful week.

Clay gently shook George so he could get up, "Hey, Gogs. I gotta get up to clean. My parents are coming home in the morning."

The boy wrapped in the blanket groaned, but sat up so the other could move. At this point, Drista had come back with a garbage bag and started collecting empty beer cans and food wrappers. Clay went into the bathroom briefly to get cleaning spray and paper towels so he could wipe down the tables.

George was looking for his phone, which he had pushed off the couch in his sleep. He looked at the notifications that popped up on his lockscreen. There were a few from twitter but that's not what caught his attention, it was the message from his father:


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