SCP 666-001: Twinkles

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A/N: This is a collab with Greenightronix3400. Thanks for helping me out!

Twinkles is a highly dangerous being if you would consider it's annoyance dangerous then it is very dangerous. As of now, Aoyama is one of the SCP's which gained the name Twinkles due to loving being glamorous as well as having sparkly things around him.

Like a parrot, this being can't be left alone or it will start to get depressed. While being in such a state Twinkles will shot his navel laser at everything to gain people's attention around him. There were no casualties with SCP 666-001. It is only known as to be annoying since it will destroy things but never hurt a fly.

As already said this SCP needs a lot of attention and care as well as beauty products to be happy. Otherwise he will start to destroy things and the laser is too strong to be contained in a normal room. This is the reason why Aoyama's cell is a reinforced metal wall which also has crystal fibers so it wouldn't melt that easily. Besides that a special material which was documented as SCP-333 964 was used as well.

Recommended to stay put and listen to this SCP as well as pay it some attention before it would get depressed. The maintenance costs are too high to risk leaving it be and get depressed.

SCP Officer Sansa :3

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